"The point I’m attempting to make is that when a company, built on Open-Source, tries to lock it down, almost always in defence of falling margins and a perceived “ripping off” by others, it fails to re-invigorate the community"
@linux_mclinuxface Thought: others don't try to "rip you off"if you're not already ripping off your customers and not a good community member. If your FOSS product is oriented around getting people to use your above-fair-market-price service, you're rightly going to get backlash and competition.
@dalias honestly, I’m not sure pricing is the axis here.
I would expect any product built on OSS to have multiple price points for different services that give users different things (even if the feature set is the same).
Where they feel ‘ripped off’ is the confusion these companies have that a customer funnel isn’t a straight pipe. Building a product on OSS means you’ll always have users picking other providers or other means: they aren’t okay with this.