Can I just say - I WISH every #desktop #environment in existence could configure their addons/applets/widgets/extensions like #Cinnamon ?
After finishing configuration I just export a JSON file, and when I move to new installation, I just import the JSON and have it configured exactly the same.
"Restoring" my Plasma config takes me 2-3 hours. Restoring my Cinnamon config takes 2-3 minutes.
@leniwcowaty it's funny. Cinnamon never really gets mentioned as one of the major players of DEs and I think they do a lot right
@codemonkeymike if I may be honest - I tried EVERY DE there is.
Cinnamon is like... mwah, mint! (pun intended)
It's very simplistic, easy on resources, very configurable, and with Mint it's extremally integrated, to the point that in Mint you really don't ever have to open a terminal (including installing NVidia drivers)
Yes, it lacks some things, like advanced tiling (shoutout to KZones), but apart from that - my absolute go-to.
@leniwcowaty exactly. My hot take is that cinnamon is like KDE, but sane.
@codemonkeymike this is accurate as hell!
@codemonkeymike I think its because its too tightly associated with Mint, it doesn't stand out on its own, I don't know if theres even a Cinnamon spin for any popular distro.
@ojonnysilva there is. But mint is the only one that sets it as default.
Well that and my project nixbook.