@jrconlin @futurebird
Meanwhile Japan is trying to move away from stamps because of all the issues it creates.
Aw but it's so quaint and pretty. Well I can see that... but, I love the idea of having more fiddly stationary things to do.
But then I designed myself a wax seal which I'm always looking for excuses to use. They wouldn't let my put it on my marriage certificate. **mocking voice*** "because then we'd need to store it in a booooox" Still mad. (I know I'm being a little unreasonable)
@futurebird @jannem @jrconlin see we've held off on designing a wax seal because we can't come up with any excuses to use it.......
You have got it aaaaallll backwards. Make the seal then walk around threatening to use it and the chances will come!
@futurebird @jannem @jrconlin clearly, this is what we should do :D
For example when inviting people to sign a group holiday card for someone you can say "don't forget to bring your wax seal, I will bring the ribbon." to the other people and when they say they don't have one say "It's OK I have a blank you can use."
@ireneista @futurebird @jannem @jrconlin maybe you could be a notary? do they get wax seals?
@dr2chase @futurebird @jannem @jrconlin they do not! depending on jurisdiction they sometimes get the seals that change the shape of the paper the way corporate ones do, but no wax
@ireneista @futurebird @jannem @jrconlin maybe, the return address on all your correspondence?
@futurebird @jannem @jrconlin you are absolutely not unreasonable!
Anyone who *doesn't* want to own a seal ring or stamp is a boring person, and will probably never be loved by a cat.