i mean, shouldn’t they get their pants sued off them, marketing this as a source of “advice” without prominently flagging its propensity for error and bullshit? https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/18/openai-launches-an-official-chatgpt-app-for-ios/ ht @Sarahp
@interfluidity @Sarahp The answer to “shouldn’t OpenAI get their pants sued off them” is always yes, unless I’m missing some fine point of a double negative.
@interfluidity @Sarahp This is the thing that when asked by WaPo for a chocolate chip cookie recipe, gave a recipe that didn't include any chocolate chips.
@BenRossTransit @Sarahp genius *in situ* synthesis i’m sure!
@BenRossTransit @interfluidity you win some, you lose some :D
@Sarahp @interfluidity The recipe thing is actually quite diagnostic. A real person would either (a) copy a recipe from a book or from another human such as their mother or (b) have proven their own recipe works by making it. For AI, (a) is illegal plagiarism and they can't do (b) because they lack hands & eyes. You don't & can't come up with a genuinely new recipe that works by abstract reasoning from other recipes, without trying it out.