I just got back my PRS Custom 24 that was sitting in a storage unit in Boston
CAFO cover is far from finished and the sweep part is way too sloppy, but... maybe it is tolerable enough to share it? Let me know what you think!
(FWIW, first picture-in-picture video I ever posted!)
Terrible take on G.O.A.T intro by Polyphia, but at least it is not #metalmusic !
This is somewhat softer than usual, but still has a pretty dirty sound. Hope you'll like it!
And back to #metalmusic #electricguitar
First Blender render was a dud, but I learned that apparently my iPhone records roughly in 30 fps, and a resolution different from Blender's defaults! This video should be a bit better.
Sadly this also means that you can see the guitar pick dust under the strings
(N95 because I'm still a bit sick )
You didn't ask for more #metalmusic, but I give you more #electricguitar .
It is surprising I didn't record this riff when I got 8 string guitar many years ago! I could probably work on rhythm more, but why not post what I already have today?
At the very least I was having fun!
(From Meshuggah - Demiurge)
Finally, the video where you can actually hear the guitar and not just drums #metalmusic #electricguitar
Hm... I actually had a realization that most people here likely will watch it vertically, so why not render it this way to begin with?
(Also used this as an opportunity to fix a mistake in the bass line)
Current status: learning “Plini - Kind”
Sadly, left one string unmuted in the middle of the intro, but at least I got the timing more-or-less right!
This time I'm ruining "dat riff" from Woven Web. At least I'm not doomscrolling!
Special credit goes to Apple to adding thumbs up for all the thumping that I did.
Monday #metalmusic on #electricguitar! This time my own stuff. Not too complicated, but fun to play.
Not sure what's the best way to arrange 3 videos in one vertical frame when one of them starts late... I should have probably recorded all parts from the beginning of the song.
...it goes without saying that I didn't record it perfectly. Probably not the best 3 takes, but hey! I finished it instead of letting it sit in a draft