On the #Korean #fediverse, there's a word called #聯親 (yeonchin; literally “fedifriend”) which stands for #聯合宇宙 #親舊 (yeonabuju chingu; literally “fediverse friend”). It means someone who follows each other or frequently exchanges replies. It's only used on the fediverse!
New hashtag #fedifriend make it tread
@hongminhee oh cool! How would I pronounce that?
@laurenshof It's like yōn-chin!
@laurenshof @hongminhee Perhaps helpful: the vowel in "yeon" is like the one in "George".
@hongminhee +1 to import this word in all languages used in the fediverse.
@hongminhee I assume those folks use the Hangul version!
@aarbrk Yeah, you guessed it right!