From the article: “since the first fake pornographic videos and photos were created in 2017 using these techniques, this has been the main domain of application. Today, most studies estimate that around 90% of the fake content published online is pornographic”
ARtificiAl IntElLigEncE WILl trAnsforM OuR LiVeS fOR THe bETTEr
What's fascinating is how the technology was used to take the images of unattainable people (everything from celebrities & ex-girlfriends to classmates & random strangers) and turn them into creepy deepfake sexual fantasies.
The implications of coercive tech run by libido-driven incels ... revenge porn on steroids.
"Yes, I know you said no to a date, so here's a deepfake I made to show my friends."
@Npars01 yes, it is exceptionally creepy. And this is happening in a void where laws haven't caught up with what are effectively brand new crimes.
Another takeaway: this is a compelling example to point to when someone mentions the-machines-will-kill-us Terminator-like doomsday scenarios as a distraction.
There are concrete harms perpetuated by premature deployment of these technologies on actual living people right now. It is deeply disrespectful & offensive to those individuals to prioritise these hypothetical future criticisms over ones that are actively occurring at present.
We probably don't have to wait long before porn deepfakes are used to destroy a woman's career, end her marriage, or trigger a suicide.
Lisa Paige is "lucky" it was only her boss Rod Rosenstein who fed her to the sharks by releasing her texts to save his own skin.
Imagine what deepfakes could have done.
Comer has subpoenaed as many former girlfriends of Hunter Biden.
Their only "crime" was dating Hunter decades ago
@Npars01 @dhavide @gabrielesvelto Why #RodRosenstein "I can land the plane" has skated after he lied, suppressed evidence and threatened the #Mueller team is beyond me. wtf #media ? Not to mention that Rosenstein was the architect of the putting immigrants in cages policy.
@lawyersgunsnmoney @dhavide @gabrielesvelto
Like many other vassals within #KochNetwork, there's a vast system of patronage funded to provide soft landings for enemies of democracy.
He teaches "law" and is part of a law firm. Just like Emily Murphy.
Similar sinecures were provided for Bill Barr, Mike Pence, Emily Murphy, Ben Sasse, John Yoo, etc to buy their silent complicity.
@Npars01 @dhavide @gabrielesvelto Agreed, though pretty much everyone who has held a political post lands at a law firm or lobbying firm. Mueller landed at a law firm as well. The failure to investigate Rosenstein and prosecute him if warranted falls on #MerrickGarland Adding to that, #MerrickGarland lack of stones is why #AileenCannon can push #Trump prosecution past the election.
@gabrielesvelto Six schoolboys clustered around a phone screen after spending two hours googling and typing instructions. All are silent except the short one, who says in wonder, "Oh, so THAT's where it is."
@gabrielesvelto Women and girls are always the first casualties in any war. This is a war on truth and it’s only going to get worse if we don’t step up now.
@gabrielesvelto Deepfakes are a utter disaster, and not many are paying enough attention, especially not politicians or lawmakers
Terrible things are happening
This reminds me of the approximation by @phloggen that about 90% of all pixels on the internet are pink (AFAIR). I am not surprised.