@frameworkcomputer The OLPC ears were very cute, tbf
@frameworkcomputer@fosstodon.org So will Fedora SOAS be one of the official supported distros for the Framework 12?
@tertle950 @frameworkcomputer I think Edubuntu will be more in line with their aims.
Framework for sure. That other thing is butt-ugly.
Well, you know very nasty people will come and talk about the price of this thing.
I absolutely love your products,
but I have to say that the One Laptop per Child is just too cute!
Those adorable green antenna ears!
Let's call it an indecision in the face of such cuteness!
@frameworkcomputer The One Laptop per Child project was a great initiative, and those were some really interesting devices. It was also very reparable, so I can see the similitudes there.
@techviator @frameworkcomputer project failed spectacularly. good intentions nonetheless
@datafuzz @frameworkcomputer It had some overoptimistic goals at the beginning, but a few of the communities that were part of the later years of the project did have a positive impact from it (Honduras, for example). But yeah, in general they did not accomplish all of their goals. Still I liked the initiative and the device itself.
@frameworkcomputer hard to tell, the Framework doesn’t appear to run Sugar ;)
There’s a Fedora spin that does, though!
@frameworkcomputer where's the crank?
@Eggfreckles @frameworkcomputer Crank extension modul when?
@frameworkcomputer This reminds me to conferences many years ago when the OLPC project was hot. As such a thing required repairability at the places it was used, did you pick up any ideas of its design when creating the Framework laptops?
@frameworkcomputer Soooo… $199 confirmed? (Or since you had to buy one to get one… $399?)
@codingpanic oh yes, that is nice, that @frameworkcomputer gives the framework 12 for 190 $
@frameworkcomputer you should provide @EndlessOS as pre installed or at least an endlesskey from them for fw12
@frameworkcomputer the green during the event immediately reminded me of the xo-1!
@frameworkcomputer it depends how close you can get on price
@frameworkcomputer Please, we need coloured cases for the 13" too :)
@frameworkcomputer I've heard that the olpc had some sort of wild wifi mesh system and I would love to see that on framework too
@frameworkcomputer Laptops should have more colour options for sure
@frameworkcomputer I love the special story behind the green and white 'One Laptop Per Child' laptop. https://www.pcworld.com/article/456604/why-the-one-laptop-per-child-devices-are-white-and-green.html
Such an inspiring project. I still have one from the release back around 2009 or 10, and my little 3yo nephew loves playing with it.
I loved the OLPC
So, are we adults allowed to buy these for ourselves?
@frameworkcomputer the olpc unironically came to my mind during your presentation
@frameworkcomputer Depends. Are we gonna see a display bezel offering with ears in the future?