Oh, nice, looks like the Fosstodon instance (@fosstodon) silenced my profile.
I guess it tells you more about “FOSS”todon than anything else that they chose to block a human rights activist/privacy advocate who wakes up and works at a not-for-profit on free and open software every day. Maybe if I were to work at Google and hack on a hobby open source project in the evenings I’d be acceptable?
Edit: “silenced” not “blocked (i.e., suspended)”
@aral @fosstodon I'm on Fosstodon and could, and still can, see your posts. Do you have confirmation that they have limited your account? Do instances have a public log of limited accounts? I have @kev and @mike as very reasonable and transparent. Hope we can get this straight.
@emanuel Just edited the post to make it clear I was silenced not suspended. Not that that’s great but important to be precise. I’ll update the other post to make it clear that that hasn’t caused people to unfollow. (I was confused because someone said they had to re-follow.)
@aral @fosstodon More. Even when logged out, I can see your latest post on the public federated timeline: http://fosstodon.org/public
@emanuel Yep, looks like my account is no longer silenced.