@elaterite Very interesting view!
@cobalt123 Thank you!
@elaterite i Think i see Sam Neal and Lawrence fishburn...
@elaterite but in all seriousness...amazing picture.
Very nice, but what is it?
Reminds me of the inside of an old fashion bread oven...
@Otis_Scops Ha ha, you're close. It is an oven, but it is an oven for making charcoal. It's looking up at the top of one of the Ward Charcoal Ovens near Pioche, Nevada.
It's just that I live inPortugal, where you still find plenty of those ovens, many still in use
@Otis_Scops Nice, and I'll bet people bake really good bread in them!
Yes, baking is often a big event. It takes hours to heat up but then you can also bake for hours. Starting with pizza's for example when the oven is still extremely hot, then, bread and stuff that needs a lower temperature. Finally they dry fruit like figs in them when most of the heat is gone.
@ambivalena Thank you! The photo is the inside (looking up) in one of these. They would gather sagebrush, juniper, and pinon pine to make charcoal for the mine smelters. They date back to the 19th century.
@elaterite @ambivalena
Wow, they're beautiful and huge!
I had the idea indeed they were quite big looking at the inside pattern/scale.
@Otis_Scops Thanks! Ya, around the west there's several locations with old charcoal kilns (or ovens) like those. Really cool how your bread ovens are used over there in Portugal! I like how the the heat is conserved. @ambivalena