@deuts Curious why you say this. I'm on Jekyll but haven't used anything else. So not really knowledgeable about other SSGs pros and cons
@shellsharks To be honest I'm new to #Jekyll, but I'm quite familiar with #GoHugo. In Hugo, you only have one content folder where you put all your markdown files, regardless of themes. In Jekyll, it depends on the theme. I'm just working right now with the `Just the Docs` them and all contents should go to the `docs` theme. While generally, all contents should go to `_posts` theme? I just find it too confusing.
@deuts I'm not familiar with having multiple "themes" in my Jekyll loadout and suspect you may have some strange Jekyll configuration. I do have various post types which live in different top level "collection" folders, but I can theme those independently by referecing different layout types in each posts front matter. I've been using Jekyll for over 5 years now though so some of it is admittedly second nature at this point...