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Neovim v0.9.2 is now available

This is the first Neovim release since Bram Moolenaar passed away and the archival/deprecation of both null-ls.nvim and packer.nvim.

Is anyone running into any issues with this release (particularly if you use null-ls or packer)? How are the Neovim distros (eg - NvChad, AstroNvim, LazyVim, LunarVim, etc.) performing after the update?


GitHubRelease Nvim 0.9.2 · neovim/neovimThis is a maintenance release, focused on bug fixes and performance improvements However, There are included features related to TUI and :terminal. Bram Nvim is a fork of the Vim editor, created an...

Wait, packer is dead? Feels like I’ve been through 100 damned packed managers.

What should one use now then?

The notice on packer suggested to use either lazy or pckr


This repository is currently unmaintained. For the time being (as of August, 2023), it is recommended to use one of the following plugin managers instead:

[lazy.nvim]( Most stable and maintained plugin manager for Nvim.
[pckr.nvim]( Spiritual successor of packer.nvim. Functional but not as stable as lazy.nvim.

As long as it still works for you, there is no need to switch. Resist the urge to follow the hype, it just means you’ll spend less time doing something actually productive.

Completely agree, it’s lua. The only way it breaks is if a dependance changes or if the neovim API/plugin installation method changes. For this project that’s fairly unlikely. Perhaps for this there’s another way it breaks, hit hub URLs changing, plugins requiring different setup methods that all plugin managers must conform to, etc. but this also I highly doubt.

Only reason to change would be if you preferred a feature of Lazy or pckr. Personally, I like the tui of lazy and that’s why I now use it

Yeah I’ll stick with packer until some breaking change maybe happens with neovim in the future. I say this with no knowledge of the other two options, but everything with packer is so damn easy I can’t imagine lazy or pckr being any easier.

Been using minpac since forever. It has all the minimal functionality and is a perfect dead project one doesn’t have to worry about.

One day I might switch to lazy, but so far I’m too lazy to.

GitHubGitHub - k-takata/minpac: A minimal package manager for Vim 8+ (and Neovim)A minimal package manager for Vim 8+ (and Neovim). Contribute to k-takata/minpac development by creating an account on GitHub.

Considering null-ls still works on nightly, it should be fine.

LazyVim migrated to nvimtools/none-ls