Posting 2.5.3 is out, and reduces launch time by about 60%
I wrote a bit about it here - including some general Python and Textual tips for diagnosing and improving slow startups:
@darrenburns Cool stuff. Since you have this harness already set up, does aiohttp import faster than httpx? I did some benchmarks last year where it turned out it was significantly more efficient at running requests, but I don't know about import time.
@tintvrtkovic I haven’t tested aiohttp in Posting yet. It’s in my mind to try it some time though
@darrenburns Was just looking for a Postman alternative. This looks promising! Thanks!
@EngineerDaryl Thanks - if you give it a shot and find problems, missing features, or anything that turns you off of it, please let me know in a GH Discussion
@darrenburns Yes, sir, will do! Thanks for the work on this project! I appreciate it.