Hey Nick @thelinuxEXP this feels a bit sus from one of your sponsors. I'm not a legal expert, but what the heck is going on with Tuxedo's Linux drivers being GPLv3+? (Which is incompatible with the GPLv2 only used by the Linux kernel.) It looks very sus. (Maybe somebody from Tuxedo could explain this better?)
@cameronbosch They’ve explained it in various discussions. Some people think it’s weird, I don’t: they relicense the drivers once they upstream them, but these drivers are basically staging work that isn’t necessarily ready to be put in the kernel, and might not be accepted as-is. Gpl3 lets them make sure they control when these drivers are proposed for inclusion in the kernel.
In the meantime, it’s open source, and it can be compiled by any distro and added in any repo
@cameronbosch Ah well, and they clarified things pretty well in the post for Phoronix. No reason to assume any bad intentions here, I think?
I’ll add it to the Daily Linux News :)
@thelinuxEXP Fair enough! I just needed a bit of a better explaination, and I think you gave it!
Good job for adding it to the daily news!
@cameronbosch I won’t say it’s the best situation, of course, but they’re at least conscious of the issue, and it seems like it’s not a voluntary thing, it’s mostly them wanting to control how fast things are upstreamed, but they hadn’t realized it would be detrimental to others :)