The site currently runs on the biggest VPS which is available on OVH. Upgrading further would probably require migrating to a dedicated server, which would mean some downtime. Im not sure if its worth the trouble, anyway the site will go down sooner or later if millions of Reddit users try to join.
I'm sure you know this, but getting progressively larger servers is not the other way, why not scale horizontally?
I say this as someone with next to no idea how Lemmy works.
Its better to optimize the code so that all instances benefit.
Is it possible to make Lemmy (the system as a whole) able to be compatible with horizontally scaling instances? I don't see why an instance has to be confined to one server, and this would allow for very large instances that can scale to meet demand.
It should be easy once websocket is removed. Sharded postgres and multiple instances of frontend/backend. Though I don't have any experience with this myself.
@nutomic @Lobstronomosity In one of the comments I thought I saw that the biggest CPU load was due to image resizing.
I think it might be easier to split the image resizer off to its own worker that can run independently on one (or more) external instances. Example: client uses API to get a temporary access token for upload, client uploads to one of many image resizers instead of the main API, image resizer sends output back the main API.
Then your main instance never sees the original image