Okay, I'm finally giving #Neovim a try; I've been using #Vim for months now and hadn't even tried Neovim, so now I'm doing it.
And to be sure I give it a fair try…
~] vim
The program 'vim' is not in your PATH. It is provided by several packages.
You can make it available in an ephemeral shell by typing one of the following:
nix-shell -p vim
nix-shell -p vimHugeX
nix-shell -p vimPlugins.vim-elixir
nix-shell -p vimPlugins.vimacs
I've finished redoing my config in lua. I like it!
@benjaminhollon nvim
Or do what I do and set up an alias for vi and vim.
Well, I remember you were having issues with the clipboard a while back; in nvim it seems to just work (for me, at least). That's been a draw for me. No fiddling with :set paste or needing a plugin for system clipboard on wayland.
Using lua for config also feels much more right than vimscript, somehow. A fully programmatic and standard solution for config is nice.
Other than that… I'll let you know. I'm still discovering things myself. ;)
I'm also enjoying the plugin ecosystem so far. lualine is better than airline, though I admit I never took the trouble to do any configuration of airline.
Heh, fair enough. I don't tend to pay much attention to the statusline, but it's handy sometimes. The main thing I would use in airline would be the live wordcount in Markdown files; I need to get that set up with lualine.
I do set up a basic statusline, but now that you mention it, the word count might be worth the (really just proverbial at this point) bloat. ;)
As for "bloat"; in benchmarks lualine took neovim's startup time from 17.2ms to 24.8ms, a 44% increase, so you might be right that it's causing significant performance detriments. ;)
"Sir the extra line of C code to handle the edge case only increased the startup time from 1ms to 2ms."
Airline takes it to 79.9ms. ;)
Vanilla vim takes longer to start up than that, from what I've read.
This isn't necessarily nvim specific, but with nvim I've taken the time to modularize my config, since I decided to redo it in lua anyway.
~/.config/nvim] tree
├── init.lua
├── lua
│ ├── options.lua
│ ├── plugins.lua
│ └── remap.lua
└── plugin
└── packer_compiled.lua
2 directories, 5 files
Speaking of config, having it under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim rather than in my home dir is *so nice*. XD
The built-in terminal is *so much better*. It has its own normal mode, insert mode, etc., which means I was able to run that command (tree) in it, go to normal mode, yank the text, then paste it into my draft of that toot.
I'm realizing now, the better built-in terminal is gonna come in super handy when writing for tty1.
I have yet to really use that, except for :! and !!
Yeah, in vim it's not too useful. It's just a terminal, and since I'm on a tiling wm I might as well just hit $mod+return and get a new window. But with the vi modes to back me up… I could see myself using this fairly often. I'll probably set up
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-t>', '<C-w>v<C-w>l:term')
or something of the sort.
How does the vi modes in the terminal work? Is it any different than just set -o vi in bash?
Yeah, pretty different. The normal mode just treats the whole thing like a text file; you can move around and do anything (except edits, of course; mostly, you move around, select, and yank stuff). Once you hit a key, you go into insert mode and now it's a normal terminal. To exit back to normal mode, you have to do C-\ C-n
@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane In vim's terminal you go <c-w>N to get into normal mode
@trevdev @RL_Dane
Oh, fascinating! I didn't realize that!
Still, there are a couple other minor details about nvims that are a bit easier; for example, you can actually exit it by closing the pane. If you try that in vim you get an error; the terminal session itself has to send the exit signal or whatever.
@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane If I mean to kill the terminal I just smash that <ctrl-d>
@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane That's the one
That's terrifyingly Emacs-like.
@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon That's chump change compared to Emacs
That I have not ^__^
Maybe there needs to be a vim-wordle*.
*I actually don't like the name wordle, because it's supplanting/overloading the prior usage, which was a type of word-cloud generator.
Yeah, but still weird from a vi perspective. No worries, I don't use 99% of vim's features. I'm just here for multiple layers of undo, spelling check, syntax highlighting, and Markdown formatting, for the most part ;)
@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon I get you. My markdown set up is
Any special tricks? I'm just using the built-in markdown syntax highlighting.
@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon I'm using polyglot with g:polyglot_disabled = ['markdown']. I want that for code highlighting.
Then, mkdx to enrich Markdown syntax, features and bindings: https://github.com/SidOfc/mkdx
And lastly wiki.vim to elevate my organization:
I set wiki.vim to "markdown mode" in my rc, and wrote a parser for YAML tags as that is how I like 'em:
@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon ... and lastly, I made an after/ftplugin to make sure that I get the final say on some specific settings
That's terrifying, lol
VI inside Emacs? No worries, here's Emacs "inside" nvim!
You mean VIper mode? Isn't that what it's called in Emacs?
@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane viper doesn't try to re-bind the whole editor or replicate a bunch of vim plugins, but it is hjkl
@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane Honestly if they can get `emacs -nw` and actually use the terminal bindings without hurling their laptop color me impressed
@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon When escape might be needed for something else I'm not sure what else I'd use
"Updoot"? XD
A #reddit term. "Updoot" is basically baby-talk for "Upvote."
I might try #NeoVim on #FreeBSD, then, because vim's clipboard is acting weird there.
Oh, that's where I ended up on my X200t. I tried #NetBSD for a little while, and while I liked it (it reminded me a bit of #OpenBSD for obvious historical reasons), I had too many problems with it on my hardware, and the lack of FDE (and the fiddliness of the workaround) was a bummer. Still, definitely an OS to try again, mad props to the devs.
But yeah, FreeBSD is nice. I barely notice it's not Linux, TBH, except that it is more unixy, whatever that *actually* means.
But man, it's fast. I didn't realize how badly OpenBSD was slowing my system down. Not to be critical, I know they think that mitigating every possible thing is super important, and I'm not going to argue that, but it made my Core 2 Duo unusable as a desktop.
FreeBSD reminded me just how capable that 13-year-old machine still is.
Heh, "more unixy" sounds kinda fun. :)
I remember you were deliberating over moving between BSDs, I hadn't realized you did it. Glad it's working well for you.
Thanks man, I'm glad I did, and I'm glad I tried all the major ones so far (I have yet to try Dragonfly, though).
I was going to go with GhostBSD, because it's a no-brainer desktop OS, but their installer doesn't have FDE yet, which is important to me.
I'm really glad I stuck with it and got #XOrg working on #FreeBSD. It took literally two minutes of consulting the excellent handbook.
Yeah, FDE is the only reason I'm not daily driving Void Linux. :P
Well, I'd probably still run NixOS if they added it now, but I'd never have tried NixOS if Void Linux had FDE because I would have stuck there.
@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane Have you tried vim9script?
Just discovered something awesome: lightspeed.nvim is like vim-sneak, but taken to a whole new level. I'm loving it.
I actually have vim-sneak installed, but I always forget to use it.
I'm loving g+hjkl
You've gotta use vim-sneak; it's fantastic. ;)
And make sure you have this:
let g:sneak#label = 1
That'll enable label mode; if there are more than one match, it'll put a label on each following match (qutebrowser style) so you can with a single keystroke specify which match you want. It's a game changer.
@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon for me, one of the biggest benefits of neovim is it's support for LSP (language servers) which provide things like formatting, refactoring, go-to definition, and things of the like.
@elijahmanor @RL_Dane
Hmm I need to get into that at some point; so far I was recreating my vim config and adding a few extra goodies.