I have to learn Python for my next class (I'm an R- lover). Should I bring my interested almost 7-year-old along with me on this language-learning journey? If so, any recommendations for resources we could share to learn the basics together would be great!
#datascience #python #kidscoding
@TeslaDuBois A good start is the Mimo app and website. Brilliant interface and examples. Would work well with one of the free edX courses (Harvard) to learn more advanced stuff later. It’s a brilliant all purpose language rather than fab stats/data focussed R.
@TeslaDuBois I’m not sure how ready my kids (4 & 6) are, but I just bought a starter kit full of breadboards & LEDs for my raspberry pi. Lots of good python tutorials out there for SBC tinkering. I’m hoping I’ll be able to keep their interest a little longer with the physical aspect of it all. When their attention drifts I’ll start flashing an LED or something
@TeslaDuBois I used to run a #CodeClub for 9-11 year olds, and most of them found Python a challenge! If you haven't come across it, #Scratch is good for younger kids. These are the projects we did in code club https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/codeclub/scratch-module-1
@anorakgirl thank you!
@TeslaDuBois Definitely recommend it, that is a rare opportinity :)
@TeslaDuBois Some resources for you:
Book: https://nostarch.com/python-kids-2nd-edition
WebApp: https://reeborg.ca/reeborg.html
WebApp: https://codingonmars.com/
Happy learning!!!