Eating soup when sick makes me 100% better #sickDay
Yeah, that's really true ...
Soups and porridge are my two feel good foods
@chestas Todays weather is closing in… you got sun up there?
No, sorry, dull up here, but no rain at least.
Probably best to stay inside, keep warm and take it easy.
Get well soon
@chestas Yeah, I’ve been limiting my biking for a few days. Been in the car to go places. Wind chill is a thing. And getting wet is bad for trying to get over a cold.
I spoke too soon. Rain here now...
@chestas Looks not far off here too…
@SeaFury Oh no! Be well soon, but I'm glad you have soup at hand!
Wonton is our favourite Sick Soup. Although we also enjoy it when we’re healthy too…
@johnnaryry A solid option! Swallow those clouds of yummy goodness.
It helped me get through Radiation and Chemo. My wife would strain the Dumplings out and shoot the Broth through my feeding tube, soothing my stomach and rehydrating me at the same time.
@johnnaryry Wonton literally means swallow clouds. Won=cloud Ton=swallow. Glad they helped. Also MSG is magic