Window backgrounds can be whatever color you want in COSMIC. Even if you want it bright yellow.
@COSMIC_desktop That's a one-way free pass to get glasses
@COSMIC_desktop time to make a Cyberpunk 2077 theme desktop
@TruckStopSantaClaus @COSMIC_desktop That specific yellow made me think of the box art for Cyberpunk 2077.
@COSMIC_desktop love that Cosmic has such options. Please add color option for the title-bar only!
And Panel only
Nice! There'll be someone who needs this for some sort of accessibility reason - it's why customisation options are so important.
@COSMIC_desktop With the power of this new technology, we can finally bring the Hot Dog Stand theme to Pop!_OS, by popular demand.
@dutch_connection_uk @COSMIC_desktop Cosmic will never catch on unless they're willing to create a viable replacement for Hannah Montana Linux
@COSMIC_desktop my son (aged 7y) would love that; it's his favourite colour
@COSMIC_desktop this hurts my eyes
@COSMIC_desktop I guess use Navy blue like my PP doesn't bad. Yellow is too bad for severe people.