Try out our new desktop environment, COSMIC. It’s still in alpha, so expect bugs! Reports, theming, and configuration screenshots are welcome :)
@COSMIC_desktop rad! How is screensharing (especially portions of a screen) going? That's my biggest pain point right now under Wayland.
@COSMIC_desktop grats! Very impressed with your work so far!
@COSMIC_desktop awesome, can’t wait to start playing around with this!
@COSMIC_desktop Glad GNOME is finally facing some competition. The GNOME foundation is going down the toilet and they refuse to do anything about it. They have fired directors that the contributors to the GNOME project elected without notifying them, they elected a professional shaman as the head of the foundation to bring it back to profitability who then went on to draft a one page 5 year plan to increase diversity while neglecting how to bring the foundation back to profitability with no mention of cutting costs or increasing revenue. They banned the official packager of GNOME for the Manjaro Linux distribution for mentioning Bryan Lunduke and for daring to question the integrity of the board of directors and the list goes on and on.