The climate crisis has reached a point that the end of growth is inevitable. Either we hit the end of growth like hitting a brick wall or we can implement #degrowth as just and as equitable as possible.
#Decarbonization is likewise inevitable. We either transition to lower energy requirements or we will hit it like jumping out of a plane without a parachute.
The end of the capitalist mode of production will be either forced upon us by the climate crisis, or we build a better world for our children.
Transition is inevitable, but a #JustTransition is not. We have to actively choose it.
@abolisyonista this is something the anti-degrowth “communists” (they’re often PatSocs i.e. not real communists) don’t understand. Infinite growth with finite resources is not possible, degrowth is coming one way or the other, I’d rather have the version that doesn’t come with human extinction.
@atompunkray @abolisyonista het just to clarify something to both of you, uncontrolled collapse isn’t degrowth. Degrowth specifically refers to a *planned* reduction of human impacts on the planet (and therefore reduction of energy throughput and throughput of certain materials). If a reduction happens and it’s not planned, that’s not degrowth, it’s just … reduction. A recession. A collapse. Take your pick, but degrowth isn’t going to come “whether we like it or not”.