#WokeUpMonday remember when I caught the #WokeMindVirus
Was talking with my friend(therapist) this weekend about a patient that list her husband late last year and despite how much pain she feels for losing her family, she cut off communication with her daughter who recently came out to her.
She claimed religious reasons while being someone that had multiple children before getting married. Pretty sure her beliefs instruct to love everyone but I wonder, is that just an excuse.
I'm curious if this kind of hypocrisy may actually be more about public perception, about how it reflects on her that her child isn't the perfect analog of her life that she expected, that everyone in her community might judge her for
I used to have some ignorant beliefs too, still learning as a person, but it never kept me from caring for others different than me, never created barriers to loving someone. Then I #GotWoke and figured out my bullshit.
Just some thoughts bouncing around in my head...
I guess the thing that centers me on this is, I know how flawed I was and still am and how flawed we all can be, it's ridiculous to put rules on others about who they are allowed to be if we can't figure our own shit out and stick to it. And all through our history, we're plagued by terrible people that did really awful things but made a bunch of shitty social norms that people still hold on to today. But I'm happy to see people reject them