New record set for world's hottest day - as scientist warns milestone is a 'death sentence'
We thank people who disregarded nuclear energy. We could’ve sliced global emissions by a lot if were not for you, but burning coal is far safer.
Thank the good old Green Party of Germany! Restarting all those coal plants and shutting down nuclear reactors!
Yeah, Ill take a source for this one. Coal power generation has not increased in Germany whereas the Green party’s policies in 1998 led to the first large scale deployment of solar energy in the world.
@Regelfall @Widowmaker_Best_Girl
would removing wind turbine to expand the coal mine count as a source ?
It counts as an anecdote
@Regelfall if you dismiss what does not suit your point of view, you will always be right, for sure.
I am sorry but increasing the coal mine IS increasing coal usage, may you like it or not this power plant (wich pollute A LOT) will continue to work for a long time, where another plant could have done the job while keeping our air cleaner
@Regelfall please, have a look here for another anecdote: