Wait I'm confused I was told that it was China that's stealing US tech?
@yogthos "Super App" never made sense to me either. It's just an operating system and a dozen apps in a trenchcoat.
It’s about integration, the amount of actions it takes to do something in a single app is vastly reduced compared to having to juggle multiple apps. For example, you want to go out for food with your friends. With WeChat, you can message your friends, find a restaurant on the map, book it, etc. all completely seamlessly. This is a really good video explaining the benefits www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSMFnJnY7EA
@yogthos I'll give it a watch. Regardless, a good operating system should be capable of such seamless integration. That's why "Super apps" are an operating system in a trenchcoat.
An operating system doesn’t solve the problem because it’s fundamentally a UX problem. You can look at a super app as an OS that also handles the UI layer and apps are just APIs below that layer. This is not how the OS works on Android or iOS however where each app couples its API with its own UI.
@yogthos You misunderstand. If you make a "Super App", you ARE making an operating system. Yes most OS's have UX problems that prevent this level of integration, but the critical difference is that you're giving complete control to a single entity.
The client-server pattern perpetuates power imbalances, and "Super apps" make that problem much much worse.
No, I don’t misunderstand. I’m explaining to you that the nature of this operating system is different because there’s a single unified UI backed by a bunch of APIs. The critical difference is that you have a unified UX that results in better user experience. It has fuck all to do with giving up control to anything. You don’t seem to understand the subject you’re attempting to debate here.
@yogthos No need to use strong language, I understand what you're trying to say.
As a UX dev of over 10 years, UX is important but secondary to safeguards against being toyed with by power-tripping tech bros. That's why I use fedi, that's why I build with ipfs instead of http.
There's nothing I need so bad that I would give up my digital freedoms.
The is a non nonsequitor, because having a single UI framework has little to do with power tripping tech bros.
@yogthos I'm not even talking about UI frameworks anymore, but the UX and client-server or distributed models that you'd build with them.
You can't build a super-app without also creating a massive power imbalance.
I completely agree with you. This could be done at the OS level if everybody would agree on a common API. This what I’m trying to explain here, the concept of a unified UX experience is a net positive for the users, and it doesn’t need to be implemented as an app. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.
@yogthos Windows 8 made a legitimate effort to provide unified OS-level APIs that apps could hook into and deeply integrate with. The "People Hub" was easily the best example of this, plus Charms, Settings integration, etc.
Everyone hated it because they didn't understand it.
Meanwhile, WeChat managed to do it in a way that everybody loves.
@yogthos Doing inside an app is easier and significantly more of a power-grab.
I’m not sure why its easier, and don’t see how it’s more of a power grab than what Google and Apple already do with their platforms.
@yogthos Building walled gardens apps where you control everything is easier than building a walled garden OS where you control everything.
One is an App and the other is an OS, but both can be turned into a "walled garden trap" for consumers.
"But they did it" isn't an excuse to do it more. We have enough of this going around already with Apple and X and WeChat, governments and tech bros trying to maintain control over the masses. Nah.
Both Android and iOS are very much a walled gardens last I checked.
@yogthos Right so are you saying we should make the problem bigger?? I'm confused what you're trying to say here
I don’t see the OS providing a unified UI that allows people to write apps as services as a problem. I’m likewise confused about what you’re actually try to say here. You’re conflating your ideological stance with technical functionality as far as I can tell. It’s perfectly possible for an open platform to do the same things WeChat does, and that would result in a much better user experience than the current approach. I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to grasp this.
@yogthos They literally JUST banned and unbanned Tiktok at the whim of an annoying orange, and Twitter as we knew it is dead because of a rich billionaire.
You're glossing over real problems in the name of good ux.
What does this have to do with anything being discussed here.
@yogthos Everything, this entire thread and several others that people have started with you.
It's worth saying twice:
The client-server pattern perpetuates power imbalances, and "Super apps" make that problem much much worse.
The client-server pattern perpetuates power imbalances, and “Super apps” make that problem much much worse.
It’s just something you keep repeating, but that’s just not true. Coupling the UI with the business logic of the application is a fundamentally wrong approach. It makes it effectively impossible to compose apps the way you can compose command line utils with piping. Apps should be designed as client/server by default, and then you could always leverage the service API for the app any way you want, slap a custom UI, use it in automation scripts, etc. It’s just way more flexible that way.
@yogthos Nobody in their right mind couples UI to business logic, we have MVVM for that and it enables some very impressive integration and UI switching in apps.
However, thinking at the application level is ignoring everything I just said about the ways that apps communicate.
Pretty much no app provides APIs to access the business logic layer outside the UI. You’re just trolling at this point.
@yogthos MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel, and is a pattern commonly used in dotnet and winui apps for decoupling backend business logic from frontend UI.
For example, this: https://youtu.be/Nb6fEeYfDAU
I feel like I'm the one being trolled here.
What on earth do you mean by "no app provides APIs to access the business logic layer outside the UI?" These apps are using APIs to begin with, the app doesn't NEED to provide them. The devs provides them to the app, the other way around.
I understand how MVC works perfectly fine. This is not what the discussion is about. What you’re being told is that apps you’ll find in the wild typically DO NOT provide APIs that can be leveraged in the way I described. You completely ignored that.
Show me what Android or iOS apps can be used at API level to create a custom UI on top of them using a third party app.
1. This isn't MVC
2. I directly addressed that-- APIs exist independent of any one app.
3. This question about using an App as an API doesn't make sense. Apps use APIs, they do not provide them.
Also--- nobody is telling me. I've been doing this for over a decade.
Show me what Android or iOS apps can be used at API level to create a custom UI on top of them using a third party app.
@yogthos Bro that's not how apps work. What you're describing is a platform.
That’s my whole point bro. This is how apps should work, but they don’t work this way.
@yogthos You're describing a Platform, but we have an actual oligarchy of tech platforms now. When they get too big, they just become power grabs, hence why Mastodon and Lemmy and fedi in general started picking up recently.
It's not worth even a scrap of good UX if these platforms can take away our voices on a whim. Fedi is on the right track.
Again, there is absolutely nothing that prevents this from being implemented in open source fashion. And this is a completely different use case from Fedi. This is basically extending the Unix philosophy to applications and it would put control in the hands of the user in how they want to interact with the app. For example, you could take a bunch of apps and make your own custom UI that leverages their functionality to solve a specific workflow you have. Try stepping out of your demagogy for a minute and actually think about this.
"Demagogy is the action or fact of winning support by exciting the emotions of ordinary people rather than by having good or morally right ideas."
Are you saying that fedi isn't a morally good idea?
I agree that morals should fuel our discussion and not emotion, but I'm sensing strong emotions from you.
Regardless, I see what you're saying because I've built things like this. I specialize in abstractions in my work-- Strix Music is a prime example of that.