As I'm away from home at the moment, no themed Friday game share today.
Sorry about that.
But here's my haul from my adventures in Cardiff today.
As I'm away from home at the moment, no themed Friday game share today.
Sorry about that.
But here's my haul from my adventures in Cardiff today.
The rustii CLI now has some major features ready to go!
The “info” and “fakesign” commands have full feature parity with their WiiPy counterparts, and are noticeably faster (thanks to the Power of Rust). The “wad pack” and “wad unpack” commands are also available, however the rest of the WAD-related commands aren’t quite ready yet.
You can try out the latest builds over on GitHub Actions:
#Wii #rustlang #programming
Feature titled: The 25 Most Life-Affirming Rhythm Heaven Mini-Games
Taken from NGamer 78 - August 2012 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Netflix streaming disc for the Nintendo Wii -- #retro #nostalgia #wii #netflix #nintendo #gaming #gamingcommunity #viral #viralphoto
Don't mind the clutter, please, just running my OG Wii console via USB-C PD.
#ThanksEU I guess :D
I now have a working sample of what a Rust port of libWiiPy could be!
Introducing Rustii, a Rust library and CLI designed to eventually be a drop-in replacement for WiiPy. Currently, Rustii mostly just has support for title parsing, but that’s still a solid start (and is where libWiiPy started too). The CLI already supports packing and unpacking WADs using the same syntax as WiiPy, with a fakesign command coming soon.
#Wii #rustlang #programming
It's the battle of the ages in the Soul Society in Bleach Shattered Blade!
Hey you
Yeah, you!!!
Do you use Wafrn?
Do you miss the aestethics of Miiverse?
Well, for the three people that do both things and are still reading, I might have something for you!
I tried my best to do a Miiverse inspired theme for Wafrn! Is it perfect? nope, but i did my best
It supports both light and dark theme and I tried to squeeze all of my graphic design abilities to make it pleasant.
If you want it, here's the link to the theme!
UPDATE: The theme is already integrated in Wafrn! you can just see it as "Wafrnverse" on the theme selector.
Review for Super Paper Mario on Wii.
Taken from NGamer 15 - November 2007 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Review for Endless Ocean (Forever Blue in Japan) on Wii.
Taken from NGamer 15 - November 2007 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Wii Sports Bowling robot shows humans never stood a chance:
All hail our robot overlords
Review for Kirby's Epic Yarn on Wii.
Taken from NGamer 59 - February 2011 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Goodbye, GameStop!
Das Ende einer Ära: Gut sechs Wochen sind vergangen, seit am 30. Januar 2025 die letzten zehn Filialen von GameStop in Deutschland ihre Türen schlossen. In diesem Beitrag blicke ich zurück auf Store-Besuche und Spielekäufe aus 20 Jahren und möchte so meine ganz persönlichen Erinnerungen an meine lokale GameStop-Filiale am Leipziger Hauptbahnhof und die Spiele-Handelskette im Allgemeinen festhalten. Es würde mich freuen, wenn auch ihr eure Erinnerungen im Kommentarbereich teilen würdet.
NUSGet Web now supports URL parameters! This should make it easier to share a specific title with someone if they need to download it. The valid parameters are "tid", "ver", "format", "console", and "wadname", and the URL will automatically be filled in with the parameters you're using upon starting a download.
You can see it in action with the URL used in the image:
Review for Super Swing Golf Pangya on Wii from NGamer 7 - March 2007 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Review for Kororinpa on Wii from NGamer 7 - March 2007 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
Review for Eledees (Elebits) on Wii from NGamer 7 - March 2007 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here: