I feel like a genius with a wacky little algorithm that makes sure boathouses now always correctly orient to face open sea. That's the foundation I need to get a proper animation for the fishing boats and ferries going in and out.
I feel like a genius with a wacky little algorithm that makes sure boathouses now always correctly orient to face open sea. That's the foundation I need to get a proper animation for the fishing boats and ferries going in and out.
#UnityTips for beginners: Get involved in the Unity community!
Get involved in the Unity community to network, collaborate, and learn from experienced game developers. Join forums, attend events, and connect with others. #unity #unity3d #gamedev #unitycommunity #networking #IndieDev
#UnityTips for beginners: Get involved in the Unity community!
Get involved in the Unity community to network, collaborate, and learn from experienced game developers. Join forums, attend events, and connect with others. #unity #unity3d #gamedev #unitycommunity #networking #IndieDev
The new Alliance Peacefighter trailer, in case you missed it!
Wishlist here:
#UnityTips: Keep your project organized with submenus when creating layers or tags by using a slash '/'. #unity #unity3d #gamedev #indiedev
Interesting repository: "Libre Fracture 2.0, a tool for object destruction in Unity" https://github.com/HunterProduction/unity-libre-fracture-2.0
Trying a few different approaches to fog with absolutely no luck. I'm not happy with any of them yet.
I'll try a more stylised approach and share how I get on.
New Humble for #gamedev, especially #Unity3d developers.
The Becoming a C# and Unity Game Developer is a collection of 17 Unity 6 video courses for just $18.
#UnityTips: Create realistic and engaging game environments with Unity's Terrain system!
Create terrain, place trees and grass, and control height maps with ease. #unity #unity3d #gamedev #gameenvironments #IndieDev #IndieGame Learn more: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/terrain-UsingTerrains.html
Interesting videos: "Squeezing Unity: Tips for raising performance (2017)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wxitgdx-UI & "Optimization tips for maximum performance (2020)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRDHEqy2uPI & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK8sX8oCQbw
Interesting read: "Optimizing Unity UI" https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/optimizing-unity-ui & "Some of the best optimization tips for Unity UI" https://create.unity.com/Unity-UI-optimization-tips
Check your game genre’s ad mon potential here.
Should I focus more on ad mon or IAP/events? Your genre should help you in balancing them.
Optimizing C# Reflection in Unity https://youtu.be/QsUsjktYKaw?si=qtSVVbcAOV7IaaaE #UnityTips #Unity3D #GameDev #IndieDev #IndieGameDev #Reflection
Time for another Epic Games Fab Marketplace #gamedev Asset giveaway. 3 free assets from Feb 25th to Mar 11th, 3 for #UnrealEngine and 1 for #Unity3d, although they can be easily exported to other engines like #GodotEngine, so hoard away!
"So, what do you do?"
- I work on #Unity's Memory Profiler
"Any interesting bugs you had to fix there?"
- TBH, I've changed more ints and vars to longs and managed containers to native ones than I can care to count at this point... And please don't take that as a challenge to use even more memory
I have written another blog entry about one of the games I made in the past. This time is "Excelente Servicio ", an arcade game (quite literally) inspired by tetris.
Check it out on my website
#gamedev #unity3d #gaming
Just coding so nothing visual to share today - instead here's some unedited gameplay.
#gamedev weekly highlights: Biggest Gaming Deals and Investments — week of Feb 17th, 2025
1. Jam City agrees deal to sell Ludia
2. Dead Astronauts raises €4M in seed funding round....
I found a "Capsule Collider" in my daughter's cute little play vegetables. (Pretty interesting material on the mesh renderer, though... I think it's a sweet potato, but I'll have to talk to the art designer for this simulation). #unity3d #unitydev #godot #UnrealEngine #indiedev