Hey everyone! The second Black Magic Debug V2.0.0-rc2 Firmware major stable release candidate is out! We have addressed a bunch of issues in the previous release candidate! Please give this release a try and report any issues you may find! See release notes for details for this release. Thank you everyone who contributed! https://github.com/blackmagic-debug/blackmagic/releases/tag/v2.0.0-rc2 Discuss: https://github.com/blackmagic-debug/blackmagic/discussions/2088 #opensource #debugger #electronics #jtag #swd
JTAG & SWD Debugging on the Pi Pico https://hackaday.com/2025/01/18/jtag-swd-debugging-on-the-pi-pico/ #RaspberryPi #ToolHacks #debugger #openocd #pipico #jtag #SWD
JTAG & SWD Debugging on the Pi Pico - [Surya Chilukuri] writes in to share JTAGprobe — a fork of the official Raspberry ... - https://hackaday.com/2025/01/18/jtag-swd-debugging-on-the-pi-pico/ #raspberrypi #toolhacks #debugger #openocd #pipico #jtag #swd
It turns out I forgot to add a lot of build artifacts to this release. We now have the Black Magic Debug Application (BMDA) builds for Linux, MacOS and Windows available, as well as three additional Black Magic Probe (BMP) Firmware builds, containing additional target support. See Release Artifact Notes section in the release notes. https://github.com/blackmagic-debug/blackmagic/releases/tag/v2.0.0-rc1 #opensource #debugger #electronics #jtag #swd
Hey everyone! The first Black Magic Debug V2.0.0-rc1 Firmware major stable release candidate is out! This release is quite a massive step forward with a lot of new functionality! Please give this release candidate a try and report any issues you may find! See release notes for details for this release candidate. Thank you everyone who contributed! https://github.com/blackmagic-debug/blackmagic/releases/tag/v2.0.0-rc1 Discuss: https://github.com/blackmagic-debug/blackmagic/discussions/2045 #opensource #debugger #electronics #jtag #swd
The Black Magic Probe V2.3 JTAG/SWD debugger/programmer with built in GDB server is back in stock in our US store! (This is an updated revision D of the board featuring the good old STM32 again! :D ) https://1bitsquared.com/products/black-magic-probe #jtag #swd #embedded #mcu #programming #debug #hardware
Ok that is enough for today! I will assemble the rest of the top side tomorrow ;) #electronics #manufacturing #microcontrollers #embedded #jtag #swd
And here some BMP assembly action for those that like useful robot movements ;) #electronics #manufacturing #microcontrollers #embedded #jtag #swd
Here is a closeup of the new solder paste pattern. So far so good ;) #electronics #manufacturing #microcontrollers #embedded #jtag #swd
Another day another board assembly. Today we are building a new Black Magic Probe JTAG/SWD programmer and debugger panel format and board revision. BMP v2.3d, in 20up panels. (Previously panels were 15up) Also using the new stencil printer and updated stencils! #electronics #manufacturing #microcontrollers #embedded #jtag #swd
SWD Interface Simplifies Debugging https://hackaday.com/2024/08/28/swd-interface-simplifies-debugging/ #Microcontrollers #microcontrollers #debugging #PCBHacks #SWD
SWD Interface Simplifies Debugging https://hackaday.com/2024/08/28/swd-interface-simplifies-debugging/ #Microcontrollers #microcontrollers #debugging #PCBHacks #SWD
SWD Interface Simplifies Debugging - The proliferation of microcontrollers has made it easier than ever to add some sma... - https://hackaday.com/2024/08/28/swd-interface-simplifies-debugging/ #microcontrollers #debugging #pcbhacks #swd
Police departments across Texas are searching for Erik Natanael Amador Godoy, a North Texas man accused of killing a 24-year-old. Godoy was last seen driving a dark gray Toyota Corolla with Texas license plate #SWD 0839. Authorities believe he may have fled to South Texas. https://www.riskmap.com/incidents/2091793/articles/214539497/
Do we have a pinout convention for #swd over 4 pin redfit connectors yet? Would be nice to be able to keep those consistent with other peoples designs.
USB Type-C SWD Adapter
Прочитав статью Программируем и отлаживаем STM32 через USB Type-C порт, не нарушая спецификации USB у меня сразу появилась идея, как сделать более правильно и удобнее (как хочешь втыкай кабель, по привычке и рабочий USB 2.0 порт). Получился вот такой вот адаптер для J-Link (для JTAG 10 pin):
Learning ADIv5 a bit while doing some comparisons of cortex-a9 SWD firmware loads across 4 different debuggers.