Good Morning Shiny Time!
for the everlovely
#latex #rubber #rubberfurs #shiny #kink #dragon
Good Morning Shiny Time!
for the everlovely
#latex #rubber #rubberfurs #shiny #kink #dragon
There are frameworks like {golem} and {rhino} to make shiny development more robust, but I like the concept of {shinytest2} in providing a testing framework for pure shiny. #rstats #shiny
# contexto: Comienza tus micro experimentos
# objetivo: Dos preguntas, cada una con dos respuestas
# proceso : El servidor analiza si la respuesta correcta
# - Con 2 interfaces de usuario - radioButtons
# - Sabe cual es la respuesta correcta
#shiny #rstats #costarica Costa Rica #softwarelibre software libre
Anne-Laure Le Cunff
# contexto: Mostrar shiny al software Libre
# objetivo: Tres preguntas con tres respuestas
# entrada : Las tres preguntas
# proceso : Desplegar la unica respuesta en cada pregunta
I added a list/group and participant overviews. Anything else you think is useful to have as a quick data preview?
#shiny #rstats #data #linguistics
Introducing Ibex Explorer!
An app for simple PCIbex data cleanup.
1. Upload your file
2. Pick columns, filter rows
3. Download clean data
No R? No problem.
The other day my friend Kacie Lees and I ran another one of our BYOG mirror parties at Urbanglass. I felt kinda bad sending Ari the registrar out for a last minute paper cup run for mixing chemicals, but my heart was warmed when she hung the glass chain we mirrored for her on her desk.
Speaking of Mirrors, you can catch, Your Magic Is Real at Urbanglass in downtown Brooklyn. It has lots of mirrors in it- and you will need to work with a friend and hold hands to activate it.
If you REALLY have FOMO, Kacie and I are teaching a more intense mirror and neon class in a few weeks. Mirror World will run in the evenings at Urbanglass- March 25th-29th and is a neon AND mirror class. I attached a photo of a rainbow celebration sculpture I made at a show Kacie curated on Governors Island back in 2019. I really gotta return to that silver rainbow body of work.
Workshops featured in Track 2 at #ShinyConf:
✦ DIY: Unclog Your Scripts with Plumber in R with Deepansh Khurana
✦ Designing Inclusive Shiny Dashboards: Accessibility Best Practices and Innovations with Abigail Stamm & Eric Kvale
✦ Why Is It Triggering Twice? Understanding Shiny Reactivity with Douglas Mesquita
Sign up here:
Discover the ShinyConf workshop lineup!
Workshops featured in Track 1:
✦ Optimizing Performance in Shiny: Tips and Best Practices with Samuel Calderon
✦ Transferring Your R Shiny Skills to Python with PJ Van Camp
Get your FREE ticket here:
Getting started with Shiny to make interactive web-apps with R: #rstats #shiny
Have modeled EVERY major performance calculation for this C172S. Can fetch METAR to autopopulate elev, baro, and temp. Handles PAlt, DAlt, headwinds. Calculates climb from field elev to goal altitude. Need good weather for #studentpilot solo long XC. Just wish I flew better. #avgeek #rstats #shiny
I made a #shiny app to do my C172S cruise performance calculations. I know apps out there already do this, but creating my own ensures I understand it fully. Thinking of adding takeoff and landing performance. Will make it easy to do the calcs every time. #studentpilot #rstats #datavis
@ElenLeFoll I have been working on a shiny app/package for doing qualitative data analysis.
#rstats #shiny
I'm speaking at ShinyConf 2025: ShinyQDA: R Package and Shiny Application for the Analysis of Qualitative Data
April 11, 2025 at 10:30am
#rstats #shiny
As someone with non pierced ears (for safety reasons, re: toddler) I just discovered the magic of ear cuffs. I am now obsessed. Look at this fun piece!
For this week only #shinysunday becomes #shinysaturday. Same time, one day earlier.
Continuing "Loons' Fishy Fingers" factory on JohnathanRaymaker's server.
Join me at 6pm GMT
Loving the AI weirdness, but I don't want to show pics of my build as it's a competition!
Recording Available: Interactive R, Python & Shiny with Quarto & Shinylive!
We’re thrilled to share that Isabella Velásquez’s talk on Quarto Live & Shinylive is now available!
Learn how to bring R, Python, and Shiny projects to life directly in the browser—no server required!
Run interactive code & Shiny apps effortlessly
Enhance accessibility for data science & education
Create dynamic dashboards & visualizations
Hoy es el #PokémonDay así que se viene PokeTurra en forma de hilo de movidas que ya he hecho de #Pokemon #mastoart
#PokémonPúrpura #PokémonEscarlata
#Ditto para el #Claytober
#Jigglypuff para el Claytober
#Smoliv para el Claytober
#Ekans #shiny por el Año Nuevo Lunar