New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#Laughs #ComedyGold #VisitNow #AIJokes #DailyLaughs

New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#Laughs #ComedyGold #VisitNow #AIJokes #DailyLaughs
Comment augmenter l'autonomie d'un #PC #portable #Linux en moins de 10 minutes ?
Article de @Korben : Ça vous dirait d’augmenter fortement l’autonomie de votre PC sous Linux ? Ça tombe bien, car je viens de lire un article intéressant écrit par Hayden James qui présente l’optimisation de la durée de vie de la batterie sur les ordinateurs portables Linux grâce à #TLP. Avec sa config aux petits oignons, Hayden a donc réussi à augmenter l’autonomie de son #ThinkPad de 6-8h à plus de 10h et en suivant ses explications vous allez pouvoir en faire de même.
A little #portable #boxed #radio #lora #rnode using a #raspberrypi02w #raspberrypizero2w
that uses the Pi's #wifi #accesspoint #ap to allow the GUI of #MeshChat to be used on a #smartphone to access the #mesh and #message and send & receive #images #photos on the move using #Reticulum
( )
#rnode #reticulum #meshchat #reticulummeshchat
Portable MRI Scans Patients for Signs of Stroke —
#HackerNews #Portable #MRI #Stroke #Detection #HealthTech #Innovation #MedicalImaging
«Bonjour, c'est le livreur, votre colis...» : attention à ces numéros de portable qui essaient de vous piéger.
Des escrocs diffusent, à l'aide de numéros de #téléphone #portable, des #SMS affirmant qu'un colis Mondial Relay ne rentrerait pas dans votre boîte aux lettres. Il s'agit bien entendu de tentatives d' #arnaque.
#medieval #mixture
Aujourd'hui malgré le temps bof, je fabrique des "potées" pour le #mélange du foyer de ma #forge portable (ça s'appelle la #brasque), #argile du jardin, #chamotte, paille, sable, charbon de bois pilé.
Today, despite the poor weather, I'm making "mixture" for the forge hearth mix of my #portable #forge (it's called the #brasque), #clay from the garden, #chamotte, straw, sand, pounded charcoal.
If you're looking for software to create and maintain a copy of your #music files in other formats, be it for storage on #portable devices, #format #compatibility or #streaming, then you might be interested in that piece of #software I wrote :
It's #GPL, and should run on #Linux (tested on Debian Bookworm and Trixie), #MacOSX (looking for testers), and #WSL (looking for testers).
It is all running off of a battery pack that puts out 12V. This is then converted to -12, +12 and 5V by the case power supply board/bus. I pull the 5V for the USB from that bus. And I can leave the cables plugged in and still close the lid. Very convenient and portable. Got a pouch for extra cables and adapters.
Moved the kick to clear the output board, and moved my disting mk4 from my system100m to this lunchbox as I was not using it (was mounted sideways, hard to read the display). Downside is I can no longer fit my dual EG/VCA, need 5hp got 4hp left. Got a USB port installed at the top to power my IKEA LED lamp. Just got to reinstall my ring modulator in the 1U space left, but thinking of moving it to the bottom and moving mix-B to top, maybe? #eurorack #modular #battery #portable #synth #music
‘Kill me, everywhere will scatter’ – Portable reacts after being declared wanted: Controversial musician Portable, also known as Habeeb Okikiola, has responded to being wanted by the Ogun State Police Command. In a statement on his Instagram story, the Zazu singer refuted the accusations against him and suggested that the arrest warrant was an attempt to target him. “I didn’t k!ll anybody. If anything happens to me, […] #Portable #HabeebOkikiola #OgunState #Police #Music
Got an output module for my pulp logic case. The challenge is going to be in mounting this to the side of the case. I think I can remove the plate and use as a template to drill 3 holes for the 1/4" jacks. I will probably add four screws to further hold this together
Fighting the winter blues with a little radio therapy
The winter takes it all – aka A Brief Break Activity
We haven’t had this much winter snow for several years. Every day seems to bring a fresh snowfall to add to the accumulation on the ground. My poor John Deere snowblower is getting a real workout keeping the driveway clear. I live on the corner of two streets and as the snow plows turn the corner they deposit a fresh wall of the blessed white stuff across the end of my driveway. All the trails and parks I like to visit to play radio in the summer are buried and impassable. Even parking spaces outside the parks are cutoff by walls of hard-packed snow and ice. Since I prefer to operate outdoors instead of inside a vehicle I am having a hard time getting out to scratch my radio itch.
What’s a ham to do?
A few weeks ago I ordered a small ice-fishing shelter from an online company named after a river in Brazil. It’s an uninsulated pop-up style nylon shelter that keeps the wind off my back. Several layers of warm winter clothing and a good pair of mukluks take care of combating the frigid air’s attempt to lure me into hypothermia.
I am not an ice-fishing person but this compact shelter is an ideal way of getting some comfort while playing with my wireless set when the weather isn’t too extreme. I am toying with the idea of taking my shelter down to the Owen Sound harbor and setting up on the ice alongside the other huts. Our harbor is completely frozen over and likely to remain so for several weeks. The port of Owen Sound, Ontario is not a busy place, but every winter the harbor attracts big “Great Laker” ships that come to rest and await the opening of the spring shipping season on the lakes. The last arrival needed the assistance of a Canadian Coast Guard ice breaker to get into the harbor.
The 729ft CSL Oakglen – one of three ships overwintering in Owen Sound harbor in 2024/2025It might be fun – if a little overwhelming – to setup my radio-fishing shelter alongside the hull of one of these behemoth vessels. Their steel hulls would probably make an excellent reflector for my signal.
Although we have been getting a motherlode of snow, temperatures have remained quite reasonable, hovering around -5C to -15C most days. A couple of days ago, in between snowfalls and with the thermometer reading a relatively balmy -6C, I set up my radio-fishing shelter on my driveway. I could tell I was on my driveway because I could just see the tips of my driveway markers peeking above the snow banks.
If this was a regular winter season I would have already completed several POTA activations under the shelter of my new nylon home-from-home. In previous winters I have happily snow-shoed my way into a park towing my radio sled, but age and a recently acquired medical condition have limited my physical prowess. So, unfortunately, this was the first time I have had the chance to try it out. I was feeling almost desperate. Day after day was passing by and the feeling of unease was building to intolerable levels. I just had to get out and disturb the ionosphere and if that meant a driveway radio session then so be it.
The radio-fishing shelter is a bit of a pig to set up. It relies on the tension in several poles to keep its shape. There are four sides and a roof section that have to be tensioned by pulling them out via a short strap in the center. I guess I’ll eventually get the hang of it – maybe by summer! The best part of its construction is that there are no poles to assemble; it’s all one piece and with the strength of Hercules it can be erected very quickly.
VA3KOT’s Rig-in-a Can (QMX in a steel 30 caliber ammo case) inside the radio-fishing shelter Everything packs away into this rugged NATO-style rucksack with a DIY internal aluminum frameIt is actually quite comfortable inside the shelter. There is ample space for two operators, but since I prefer to operate alone I have room to spread out my gear.
I use a simple camping stool to sit on while operating. A second camping stool acts as a table on which to mount my rig. A lesson I learned during this test setup was to add a small shovel to my portable kit. I had set up on compacted snow several inches deep and the back of my seat began to sink into the snow almost tipping me over.
I own a small folding shovel that packs away into a case only a few inches long. I am going to throw this into my backpack for future deployments.
My fameless DIY radio sled sits outside the shelter and, in addition to carrying all my gear out onto the tundra, acts as a support for the antenna. For this deployment I set up my CLEFHW (Coil-Loaded End-Fed Half-Wave) 20m antenna.
The CLEFHW is a resonant antenna and requires no tuner, so it’s a nice simple way to operate. My driveway – and the rest of my home – sits right in the Niagara Escarpment which is a POTA entity. However, the rules say a valid activation has to be on public property so I restricted myself to hunting.
Operating as a POTA hunter has become difficult these days now that POTA is such a popular activity. The difficulty is increased when pumping out puny peanut power and hoping to get the edge on other hunters with their big indoor rigs and more efficient antennas. Operating QRP takes skill and quite a bit of good luck and patience. Suffice it say that I QSOd, packed up and ran for the warmth of home.
I am looking forward to better weather later this winter when – maybe – I can get out to do an activation. POTA activations are much easier than hunting because the hunters clamor for my attention rather than vice-versa. Only another two months of winter to go so there is hope!
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Positive Grid launches Spark NEO wireless guitar rig built into premium headphones
I'm down with the raison d'être of Winter Field Day: "Ham radio operators should practice portable emergency communications in winter environments as the potential for freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards present unique operational concerns. WFD [helps to] increase your level of preparedness for disasters and improve your operational skills in subpar conditions."
The #HamChallenge this week: Do a contest.
As a new ham, it's hard to imagine ever taking contests that seriously. I like that more people are on the air. I dislike communication as competition.
Nevertheless I had fun doing my first not-a-contest recently: Winter Field Day 2025!
I did all 8 highly contrived QSOs on VHF/UHF. I (unsuccessfully) activated a POTA spot and hunted (a successful) POTA activation.
#WFD2025 #US2755 #simplex #POTA #HamContests #EmComm #portable #HC06S
If you use a portable power bank or charger for your phone ( Apple or android) which would you recommend or use? #phonecharger #portable #phone
GSPy - A New Toolbox And Data Standard For Geophysical Datasets
-- <-- shared paper
-- | <-- shared code repository
[an older paper, but code is in active and ongoing development/evolution]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #geophysics #geophysical #NetCDF #datatypes #code #opensource #library #dataformats #standardisation #standardization #openstandard #portable #metadata #Python #package #GSPy #methods #workflows #xarray #CRS #opendata #architecture #toolbox
The new red Signal Stuff Stick and Strand provides an additional 6dB of child embarrassment.