Has anyone else who uses #umamianalytics cloud version had their tracking code change on them?
I've only just realized that I haven't been actually loading the right script on my website for a few months now. I don't get much traffic, but I didn't think getting actually zero views in months when I've made posts with links to my site was accurate.
Maybe there was an announcement at some point, but if you use #umami it might be good to check.
New update to my personal website. I added a new list to the Links page and added a notes feature to it. Now I can attach related notes to links. In this case archiving the removal date of featured videos on the home page
He puesto en pruebas, el índice de mi nueva web, a ver qué os parece: http://pruebas.sgimeno.net/ cualquier opinión en bienvenida... #web #homepage #personalsite
Hey folks! I've just rewritten my personal site/blog in Hugo. It's light on content, but I have some stuff planned for it very soon: https://sirlich.github.io/
Still a bit of work to do, but I’ve put together a firehose of my web activities and mirrored many of my microblog posts to my site. Trying to embrace the IndieWeb a bit further.
Spent part of my evening finally implementing an icon toggle to switch between light/dark modes on my personal site, and one that respects the user's system preference for light/dark as the default.
I also updated my old "easter egg" method of toggling it by entering the konami code (yes, I am a nerd).
Aside from the konami code bonus, it's entirely CSS/HTML driven using the new `color-scheme` and `light-dark()` features released earlier this year.
It's the little things that feel good, and writing something functional _without_ needing JavaScript feels great.
Added a bluiesky link, and my new 88x31 button to https://hyphin.net
I also added some treasure at the bottom of the art tab :3
A little while ago I updated a little piece I wrote about the design behind my site.
After wrestling with #Hugo for a bit, I've now updated my personal site:
Not 100% happy with it, but I do like how easy it is to add/write/edit content!
I'm happy to announce that personal website is in a functional state. It's far from done and doesn't have much on it right now but I love the state I got it to.
Future additions will include:
- my bash automation scripts collection
- my flipper zero files
- guest book
- art gallery
- possibly a blog if I decide what to write about
Here's the link for anyone interested: https://jellycat.cafe
**New Blog Post:** *Leaving food on my plate*
I’m a short lady in her 30s with a desk job… All the cards are stacked against me.
#Blog #Blogging #PersonalSite #SmallWeb
Had some issues with my deployment pipeline, but got them sorted out to bring you a new blog post about my new pinball machine. Check it out!
**New Blog Post:** *Haunted by Snow Man’s Yum Yum Yum ~ Spicy Girl ~*
**Warning:** This post is all about yucking people’s *yums*
New Blog Post: ***Rating Jpop on the Oricon chart***
This is not meant to be super serious! Just personal opinions and observations =p
#Jpop #Oriconchart #Blogging #PersonalSite #JapaneseMusic
For this week’s #FollowFriday I recommend a very unique account, Ryan Barrett @snarfed.org
He works on https://fed.brid.gy — an important exploration on bridging different protocols in the social web.
If you open his profile (i.e., open original page) it’s actually just his #PersonalSite — a peek into a future where individual personal sites transcend any “social network”
Follow him! @snarfed.org
If you go to my personal website, what do you miss seeing there?