もうこんなテクニックも要らない時代なんだろうなぁ。strict.pm がない Perl 環境なんてさすがにもう今はないだろう
(2014年のテキスト。さっきの 2009年のテキストが投稿されてないかを探している間に目に入った)
>strict.pm が無い環境でも一応エラーにならない use strict の書き方 #Perl - Qiita https://qiita.com/zetamatta/items/ecfdd9f4a0438ecc005e
もうこんなテクニックも要らない時代なんだろうなぁ。strict.pm がない Perl 環境なんてさすがにもう今はないだろう
(2014年のテキスト。さっきの 2009年のテキストが投稿されてないかを探している間に目に入った)
>strict.pm が無い環境でも一応エラーにならない use strict の書き方 #Perl - Qiita https://qiita.com/zetamatta/items/ecfdd9f4a0438ecc005e
I knew @mjd long ago as part of a small group of us into #Perl & also hard-core academically-minded programming language theory. MJD & I fell out of touch in 2000s. Even back then, I'd've urged anyone to hire MJD if they could. A quick look of his current resume…
…shows MJD spent last 20 years becoming even more knowledgeable in all areas of software.
I made this public job reference for MJD completely unsolicited. I hope you'll hire him to work on 100% FOSS, of course!
#Perl @PerlWChallenge 314 Equal Strings and Sort Column https://wlmb.github.io/2025/03/24/PWC314/
Ever had problems with ore while programming? Those problems will be gone forever with the upcoming “ore Enhancements” in #Perl 5.42 soon to be released!
Funny #typo at https://is.perl.released.info/
Yesterday: Deployed #perl db-to-api tool https://metacpan.org/pod/WebAPI::DBIC, once for a project where folks now don’t have the “I don’t write Perl” excuse to contribute, and once against #Mobilizon, cos I just give up with #graphql. Now I have to deal with the it’s db schema instead #programming
The Weekly Challenge - 314 #Perl #RakuLang
Task 1: Equal Strings
Task 2: Sort Column
As a #Perl programmer this kind of misunderstanding and intolerance is all too familiar. #coding
The Weekly Challenge 313: Broken and Reversed #Perl #RakuLang #RustLang #Postscript #CrystalLang #PerlWeeklyChallenge #BlogFiredrakeOrg https://blog.firedrake.org/archive/2025/03/The_Weekly_Challenge_313__Broken_and_Reversed.html
Refactored my https://metacpan.org/dist/MIDI-RtController #Perl module to support multiple #MIDI devices. So now you can make an interactive app connecting and controlling any or all of your stuff (like my "MIDI Rock" joystick, "Arturia" keyboard, and cool "Synido TempoPad", etc.). Woo!
@puppygirlhornypost2 Some of us spurned the jvm and placed our faith in POSIX
Habe heute Vormittag im Track "#Backup" einen Vortrag "Alles backupen mit Rsnapshot" auf den #clt2025 gehalten. Es ging um das Programm #Rsnapshot und darum, wie man mit Shell Tools oder einfachen #Perl-Skripen u.ä. regelmäßige Backups von Dingen automatisieren kann, die nicht dafür gemacht sind. Beispielsweise #DDWRT und #Fritzbox OS.
Hier im Relive:
Weitere Infos und Feedback-Link:
@dch The script looks up the whois records for the IP addresses and does rudimentary parsing on them to find the abuse emails.
I cleaned up the script barely enough to share it and posted it here:
I don't know if it'll be particularly useful to anyone else , especially since I wrote it in #Perl and who _does_ that nowadays.
We consider enabling graceful bootstrapping as one of our main guiding principles around Rex, the friendly automation framework.
While our “How to get started with Rex” page provides a good initial set of concepts, I wondered about the minimal set of features that already proves useful in practice. I find this especially interesting when using Rex from a cronjob or in a CI/CD pipeline.
Let’s see what I found through this exercise in minimalism: https://blog.ferki.it/2025/03/21/minimum-viable-rex/
Hoy le di una oportunidad a #Perl. Cree un generador de passwords aleatorios con la ayuda del chat de #DuckDuckGo, basado en #Claude.
Muy interesante que no se mucho de Perl pero no me costó mucho gracias a Claude y a que se programar en general. Pude mantener una conversación de nivel, editar el programa, corregir errores que introducía.
Todo muy rápido y divertido.
In some packages on #metacpan you can see what the minimum Perl version must be. Is this binding? Looks to me like most packages often support very low Perl versions. Understandable, if you want the package to work with very old
Perl versions, but surely this prevents new #perl features from spreading very slowly?
Hello #perl community, how do you actually do that? For example, if you want to use the really new Perl features (e.g. classes) in your libraries and want to publish them on CPAN. Do you then not use such features? Or can I publish code for different Perl versions? It would be cool if there was something like a Perl transpiler (similar to the JS/typescript world) where you can transpile modern Perl to low level Perl. e.g. when you install a package for a specific #perl version.