Unlock container security with NIST 800-190! Our guide offers a checklist on vulnerability management, registry security & more.
Unlock container security with NIST 800-190! Our guide offers a checklist on vulnerability management, registry security & more.
#NIST chose #HQC as their backup KEM and elected not to standardize #ClassicMcElice for now among other reasons pointing to the standardization with #ISO.
The argument to choose HQC over Bike is a higher confidence in IND-CCA-security of HQC. I cannot comment on whether that is a reasonable assessment, though I have no reason to doubt it, but I can say that in terms of reasons to make a choice this is of course a pretty good one.
I’m not sure how I think about the decision regarding McElice, but I can to an extend see where they are coming from.
This means there are now 9 post quantum algorithms approved, standardized or chosen for standardization by generally respected organizations:
Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (“KEMs”):
* ML-KEM (“Kyber”), based on Lattices, standardized by NIST
* HQC, based on Codes, chosen for standardization by NIST
* Classic McElice, based on codes, approved by BSI (de), ANSSI(fr), and NCSC (nl)
* Frodo, based on lattices, approved by BSI (de), ANSSI(fr), and NCSC (nl)
* ML-DSA (“Dilithium”), based on Lattices, standardized by NIST
* SLH-DSA (“SPHINCS+”), based on hashes, standardized by NIST
* FN-DSA (“Falcon”), based on lattices, chosen for standardization by NIST
Stateful Signatures:
* XMSS, based on hashes, standardized by IEEE
* LMS, based on hashes, standardized by IEEE
Overall, this looks like a decent portfolio. Future standardization might add schemes based on multivariate-equations and isogonies, but for now this should do and give us a basis from which we can design more efficient schemes without being to concerned about the entire ground suddenly giving in because one random guy/gal finds a new attack-vector.
#postquantumcryptography #PQC #PQCrypto
Quantum leap: Passwords in the new era of computing security
It’s more a case of building stronger locks to protect our important data and resources, rather than removing the locks altogether. By creating longer, more complex passwords built on greater sizes of hash keys, passwords will be more secure against attacks, even against quantum computing.
#NIST #quantum #quantumcomputing #encryption #passwords #security #cybersecurity #technology #tech #science
NIST selects HQC as backup algorithm for post-quantum encryption https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2025/03/12/nist-hqc-post-quantum-encryption-algorithm/ #quantumcomputing #securitystandard #encryption #Don'tmiss #News #NIST
NIST Selects HQC as Fifth Algorithm for Post-Quantum Encryption
It’s good to see someone thinking ahead to the post-quantum-computer era.
#quantumcomputing #nist
#NIST Finalizes Guidelines for Evaluating ‘#DifferentialPrivacy’ Guarantees to De-Identify Data
NIST selects HQC as backup post
quantum cryptography algorithm in case there are issues with ML-KEM.
#cryptography #standards #nist #cryptomeanscryptography
#quantum #technology
In a brave act of selecting things, #NIST finally lands on a fifth post-quantum #encryption algorithm, because apparently four wasn't enough to confuse everyone. Meanwhile, the internet collectively yawns while pretending to read about cryptographic acronyms that sound like bad WiFi passwords.
https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2025/03/nist-selects-hqc-fifth-algorithm-post-quantum-encryption #postquantum #cryptography #cybersecurity #technews #HackerNews #ngated
NIST Selects HQC as Fifth Algorithm for Post-Quantum Encryption
Via a ridiculous path including an off-the-books meeting with a #NIST staffer comes news of a clever hack being perpetrated by the PFYs now running the US Department of Commerce.
DoC is not allowing certain notices from subsidiary organizations to be published in the Federal Register. Advisory committees to such as NIST must publish notice of meetings in order to follow the law.
Ergo, no meetings are possible, meaning not only cessation of work but that committees will die as terms expire.
Coming up May 7-8, 2025: 5th in a series on #HPC #Security by #NIST. Virtual and in-person attendance options are available (registration fee required for each option). www.nist.gov/news-events/...
5th High-Performance Computing...
Coming up May 7-8, 2025: 5th in a series on #HPC #Security by #NIST. Virtual and in-person attendance options are available (registration fee required for each option). https://www.nist.gov/news-events/events/2025/05/5th-high-performance-computing-security-workshop
Do I know people working at or closely with #NIST?
Context is @SafeguardingResearch.
You can ping me here, or:
- DeltaChat (@delta): https://i.delta.chat/#C4AF870B289E4A9E4F6F8A115414567F5FFDEDB2&a=lavaeolus%40mehl.cloud&n=&i=jeIuUpp1N4mgObIZPYvt8Nzj&s=7oT_k5QB1I0vVD9KEiFs2emk
- Matrix: @schoeneh:matrix.org
- Signal: upon request via DM
#NIST: "The following resources were developed as part of NIST CSF 2.0 to support organizations of all sizes, providing a variety of pathways into the CSF with the goal of making the framework easier to put into action." www.logicgate.com/blog/underst... #cybersec #tech #CSF
Understanding NIST Cybersecuri...
Update. The American Physical Society (#APS, @apsphysics) is running a survey on the impact of cuts to US science #funding. Please take it if you're affected or likely to be affected.
"This survey collects stories showcasing the transformative positive impact of #NSF, #NIST, #DOE, #NASA, and #DOD-funded research and programs as well as what would be lost if support for basic research evaporates. You can document your experiences and share how recent executive actions have impacted you. Individual stories will be only be used publicly with permission or when fully anonymized."
iX-Workshop IT-Sicherheit: Pentests methodisch planen, anfordern und analysieren
Schritt für Schritt zum sicheren System: Penetrationstests methodisch planen, beauftragen und auswerten, um Schwachstellen in der eigenen IT aufzuspüren.
Data Distribution in Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning – Source:www.nist.gov https://ciso2ciso.com/data-distribution-in-privacy-preserving-federated-learning-sourcewww-nist-gov/ #NISTCybersecurityFramework #rssfeedpostgeneratorecho #1CyberSecurityNewsPost #rssfeedsAutogenerated #CyberSecurityNews #NISTSecurityBlog #Distribution #NISTCSF20 #NISTSSDF #NIST