Holy smokes. #mythtv is still around. My oldest grew up with it. Commercial skip was *amazing*. I think I stopped using it after I switched from using Gentoo. I think I still have my scripts to auto-generate ebuilds somewhere....
Holy smokes. #mythtv is still around. My oldest grew up with it. Commercial skip was *amazing*. I think I stopped using it after I switched from using Gentoo. I think I still have my scripts to auto-generate ebuilds somewhere....
Upgrading the multimedia PC to a more recent development version of #MythTV...
I spotted today that my #mythtv-status package was failing to build from source in #Debian. This has caused me to spend some time finishing off a major change to how it is installed, split out the Debian packaging to a different repo (using git-buildpackage).
While having upstream (me) and Debian (also me) code in different repositories will cause over head (for me), it is probably better in general.
Probably tomorrow I'll release the tarball, .deb and upload the new packaging repo to Salsa.
I don't know if it's #Debian 11, or my hardware, or because my house is under a wicked spell, but if I switch my "tv" away from my "tv server" it now disables that display and doesn't enable it if you switch back. nothing less than a reboot seems to do that.
Still don't have anything like a working #mythtv. after all that work – debian 11, latest mythtv – it's the same. so I suppose a cap must have popped on the motherboard or something; that's all I have left (unless wicked spell, which…)
I'm looking for suggestions for a #USB #infrared receiver compatible with #LIRC. Everything I can find seems to be a big clunky box on the end of a long cable, but I'm looking for something tiny with the sort of form-factor of the bluetooth dongle in this picture (but obviously IR rather than BT!)
Any recommendations gratefully received! Thank you!
I am usually not the type to call out open source developers. They support projects on their own free time and often juggle many priorities in their personal and professional lives, but the latest MythTV v34 release and this recent post take the cake. You can find the full conversation thread with the developer here: https://forum.mythtv.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5684 This makes me wonder, when an open source developer acknowledges in writing that their latest major stable release lacks basic security and is a major step backwards - should there be any consequences for the developer? For context, MythWeb is a DVR scheduling web application, part of MythTV package, for recording and playback of free over-the-air TV programming. Previous versions required authentication and many users have it exposed to the internet. If you are on version 34 of MythTV this is your PSA to downgrade or take it offline.
#mythtv #ota #cybersecurity #doh
Ik installeerde 20 jaar geleden #MythTV om meerdere kanalen tegelijk op te kunnen nemen en het dagen tot weken later kijken, en lekker makkelijk over de reclames heen te skippen.
Ik kwam er vandaag achter dat de commerciële zenders niet opgenomen worden door een technisch issue en ik mis toch helemaal niets en ga er ook geen tijd en moeite insteken om het op te lossen want het is toch allemaal bagger daar. Hebben alleen maar kabel vanwege de BBC eigenlijk.
#MythTV 34.0 has been released (#MediaCenter / #PersonalVideoRecorder / #PVR / #DigitalVideoRecorder / #DVR / #HomeTheaterPC / #HTPC / #HDTV / #TV) https://mythtv.org/
@viking My mythbox is still in use, recording via an antenna:
Recording Statistics
Number of shows: 1415
Number of episodes: 64812
First recording: Friday December 24th, 2004
Last recording: Wednesday October 4th, 2023
Total Running Time:
18 years 9 months 10 days 1 hr 30 mins
Total Recorded:
5 years 4 months 30 days 6 hrs 49 mins
Percent of time spent recording:
@davidnjoku In the US, broadcast TV is quite good. There are almost no commercial interruptions anymore and the ads that run between shows are typically just advertising the shows themselves, not the annoying ads from big corps like Pepsi.
So #mythTV is the champ. Not sure how the counts in your poll because it effectively converts linear to on-demand, though of course the selections they decide to run is limited.
When in Europe, I don’t even have a TV nor have I setup any kind of TV feed to the PC. It would probably not have much English programming anyway, so I would probably need a dish if I were motivated.
Just got #kodi setup with #tvheadend - so much more polished than #mythtv PITA to build on #slackware though, the slackbuilds.org slackbuild doesn't compile the plugins.
My #ps3 died after a firmware update and my tv is too old to play some channels in australia. Probably time to get a new tv anyway.
Sigh, life is dull.
@soc_i_ety @Free_Press Broadcast TV has improved quite a bit lately along with broadcast radio. I suspect the need to compete w/online options has forced them to cut back on commercial ads. So I run #mythTV (a #FOSS DVR) which records broadcast TV. Commercials tend to only run after a show ends w/out interrupting the program. And if they decide to inject mid-program commercials, mythTV can detect & remove
LinHES (Linux Home Entertainment Server) – an Arch based Live distribution https://archiveos.org/linhes/ #linux #arch #mythtv
Anyone out there use #MythTV to record streams from a cable set top box? What capture card are you using?
#MythTV 33 Released For Improving This Popular HTPC/PVR Open-Source Software
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/phoronix/status/1622388900508438528