The annoying, unintuitive, poorly documented mess that is #MediaWiki configuration aside, I'm kind of pleased with how is coming along. Not that anyone is ever going to like, use it but at least it look better.
The annoying, unintuitive, poorly documented mess that is #MediaWiki configuration aside, I'm kind of pleased with how is coming along. Not that anyone is ever going to like, use it but at least it look better.
Random observation: The OATHAuth extension on #mediawiki breaks the upgrade script in some versions. Finding that info was an utter pain in my tail, like omg.
The first page to visit when you stumble on a new #MediaWiki instance is [[Special:Version]] right?
#Mediawiki is useful but it is super unintuitive to manage and updating is an absolute nightmare, ugh.
Join us at the Spring MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference May 14-16 in Sandusky, OH!
Early bird registration is available until Sunday, April 13. Sign up today to let us know you will be joining us.
We are accepting presentation proposals until Monday, April 28. Please sign up to present as soon as possible to help us plan the program.
Registration, presentation sign up, and more details are available at the conference web site:
@simondueckert @leonid Danke für die mention, Simon!
Ich habe für meine privaten Seiten und Projekte früher auch #MediaWiki genutzt, bin aber vor ca. 10 Jahren auf #DokuWiki umgestiegen. Grund waren neben der einfacheren File statt Datenbank basierter Speicherung (auch für Backup) das einfachere PlugIn System und WikiFarm Hosting.
@leonid Hmm, wir nutzen seit immer und ewig (as in 2005) #mediawiki - Eine Weile mit Semantik-Erweiterung, mittlerweile ohne.
Für die loscon20 hatten wir #Dokuwiki (File-basiert, kein Hazzle mit Datenbank), das war auch gut. @MagnusRode hat mit dem CLC25 Wiki auch Erfahrung (
Ansonsten höre ich in letzter Zeit öfter XWiki (habe ich aber noch nicht verwendet). Und Nextcloud Collectives ( ist nicht ganz Wiki, aber reicht oft.
Today in the newsletter #ChefsvonDevs:
@RichardHeigl and Markus Glaser explain what companies should pay attention to when integrating #accessibility into web applications and share their experiences within their company, "Hallo Welt!" regarding the development of #BlueSpice.
Only 5 days left until HANNOVER MESSE!
Visit us at stand B22/Hall 17. Learn more about the innovative combination of #BlueSpice #Wiki and #AI at our daily events.
Find the times of our events at
Still no ticket for the HANNOVER MESSE next week?
No problem! Secure your #free ticket now with #BlueSpice at
Visit us at our Stand B22/Hall 17 and find out more about the innovative combination of #Wiki and #AI
We look forward to your visit!
#Networking #MediaWiki #KnowledgeManagent #Documentation #Compliance #OpenSource #ISO #HM25
The December 2024 @wikimediafoundation developer satisfaction survey results have been published!
This survey is used by the #WikimediaFoundation to measure developer satisfaction in the #WikiMedia and #MediaWiki communities, & determine where to invest resources in the future.
Read it, Analyse the Results, Talk about it, And ask questions!:
Is there somewhere™ some information on how the mechanism for #mediawiki templates were created?
They are very important for Wikipedia, but they seem very different than most other kinds of template languages I am aware of.
Erster Tag beim #ecruhr25: Best Practics in #Moodle, Kratzbilder und #MediaWiki-basiertes Lehrbuch.
#OnThisDay (2012-03-22) Chad (^demon/
) made the first official commit to the #MediaWiki core in Git using @gerritreview and #Git-Review as part of the #SVN to #Git conversion project.
> Fatal error: Uncaught ExtensionDependencyError: LDAPAuthorization is not compatible with the current installed version of LDAPProvider (2.0.9), it requires: 3.*.
The extension experience in #MediaWiki through their download portal is .... unbelievable bad!
You can only download THE latest version for each MediaWiki release, and they are sometimes not compatible at all.
it never ceases to be a little bit cool to see things you've written in use on other #MediaWiki sites
(in this case, @JoinFediverseWiki / :3)
Would you like to work with us in the @tibosl of the @tibhannover?
* Open source software developer (m/f/d) wanted! *
A few hashtags:
If you have question: I'm looking to hearing from you, preferably by e-mail (see the job advertisement)!
Möchtet Ihr mit uns im Open Science Lab der TIB arbeiten?
* Open-Source-Software-Entwickler:in (m/w/d) gesucht! *
Ein paar Hashtags:
@hauschke freut sich über Rückfragen, am besten per Mail (steht in der Stellenausschreibung)!
It took a few years but....,
Go ahead and click on the 3D rendering in this article:
You can touch and drag interactively!
(Works on mobile too, though you'll have to click "Desktop" in the footer to see it on mobile.)
More in this category and it's parent categories:
we need some more fancy 88x31 buttons made for #MediaWiki