Re"writing" history independently of American products. #GoogleDocs #Word #Europe #Canada #Trump #Politics #Technology
Re"writing" history independently of American products. #GoogleDocs #Word #Europe #Canada #Trump #Politics #Technology
Oh, the drama! A bug so "hard" it took two whole days and a buddy to crack—how heroic! Google Docs nearly perished in an apocalypse of typos! #bugfix #drama #GoogleDocs #heroics #coding #mishap #technews #HackerNews #ngated
I swear that I will never again write a scientific paper in either #MSWord or #GoogleDocs. Ever.
I don't care that my collaborators in a medical school can't handle #TeXLaTeX or #Markdown. The costs of final typesetting and conversion are just Too Fucking High.
It's costing me more than a week of my life just to do menial shit that is fully automatic with my normal workflow. smh
I know that my normal tool chain lacks some collaboration tools, but I just don't care anymore.
@barbarakathmann Proficiat, goed gedaan. Maar er is meer te doen. Zie vandaag berichtgeving hoe afhankelijk scholen zijn van #Chrome #googledocs en #ms365 leerlingen en studenten moeten alternatieven hebben. Dus een serieus #EuOffice pakket.
: Nowa alternatywa open source dla Google Docs i Notion wspierana przez Francję i Niemcy.
Docs to internetowy edytor tekstu oparty na współpracy, który jest wynikiem wspólnego wysiłku prowadzonego przez rządy Francji (DINUM) i Niemiec
Jest to dobra alternatywa dla popularnych usług, takich jak Notion, Google Docs i Outline.
Platforma oferuje możliwości współpracy w czasie rzeczywistym, elegancki minimalistyczny interfejs i wszystkie niezbędne funkcje, których możesz potrzebować.
Co najlepsze, Docs jest open-source na GitHub i może być hostowany samodzielnie, co czyni go realną opcją dla lokalnych agencji i firm.
Możesz przetestować Docs w swojej przeglądarce, odwiedzając tę stronę:
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hasło: I'd<3ToTestDocs
Możesz również zgłosić się na ochotnika do pomocy w tłumaczeniu Docs na inne języki tutaj:
Oryginalny wpis opublikowany przez @ueeu tu:
Very nice list of app alternatives for big tech. Would also add #Syncthing as an alt (p2p) for #GoogleDrive, #digiKam as an alt (offline) for #GooglePhotos / #ApplePhotos, and #LibreOffice as an alt (offline) to #GoogleDocs.
Google Documenti: riassunti automatici con l'AI di Gemini
#Aggiornamento #AI #Gemini #GeminiAI #Google #GoogleAI #GoogleDocs #GoogleDocumenti #GoogleGemini #GoogleWorkspace #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Notizie #Novità #Produttività #Riassunti #RiepilogoAI #TechNews #Tecnologia
I’m pretty sure this has been talked about here before, but I can’t find the information at the moment. What is a decentralized word processing app that would be an alternative to Google Docs? #WordProcessing #writing #documents #googledocs #DataSecurity #decentralizedinternet #decentralizedapps
Elkarlanean eta denbora errealean dokumentuak sortzeko software askeko tresna berria:
Frantziak (DINUM) eta Alemaniak (ZenDiS) batera garatutako ekimena da.
Artificial studio look: Google's free AI filter for video conferencing
Google Workspace users can customize their video transmission in meetings with AI support. Google Chat automatically translates incoming messages.
Künstlicher Studio-Look: Googles kostenloser KI-Filter für Videokonferenzen
Nutzer von Google Workspace können ihre Videoübertragung in Meetings mit KI-Unterstützung anpassen. Eingehende Nachrichten übersetzt Google Chat automatisch.
A European alternative to Google Docs that won't read your files
On a better note, Goodle Docs seems to work beter in Chrome on Mac. Don't do Safari, it doesn't read the whole line at first when you make a bulleted list.
Yesterday I figured I'd try setting up something I could use to work with my critique group. I was looking for collaborative editing, chat, etc. Nextcloud looked like a good candidate, so I gave it a go.
Well, Nextcloud is obviously designed to be an enterprise solution. That thing repeatedly hammered my poor little VPS into the ground on the simplest of operations. I took it out and restored Mattermost, which is great for chatting with a curated group and some other Slack-like tasks, but doesn't support collaborative editing.
The search continues.
Hackers Use Google Docs and Steam to Spread ACRStealer Infostealer – #1CyberSecurityNewsPost #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecurity #LummaStealer #Infostealer #ACRStealer #GoogleDocs #Hackread #security #malware #Steam
New malware alert! #ACRStealer is using Google Docs and Steam to steal credentials, crypto wallets & more. Spread via software cracks!
Google Docs used by infostealer ACRStealer as part of attack #ARCStealer #googledocs #Threats #News
Oh, yeah, why would they properly support Firefox, right? Specifically when all it takes is to have standardized Javascript working for this. There is no specific Chrome feature that Firefox does not have regarding basic Javascript.
#googledocs #google #firefox #chrome #browsers #accessibility #usability #ux #webdev
Create and format a Google Doc from the data in Google Sheets! Automatically pull data from specific rows and generate a formatted Google Doc to share with your team or clients.