A #Gentoo pots estar instal·lant-ne un de nou mentre actualitzes tota la resta de paquets.
Amb Debian i derivats no pots fer tal cosa, si no recordo malament.
A #Gentoo pots estar instal·lant-ne un de nou mentre actualitzes tota la resta de paquets.
Amb Debian i derivats no pots fer tal cosa, si no recordo malament.
I stało się! Tak, #setuptools dosłownie wysadzili w powietrzę kupę paczek Pythona (tak popularnych jak requests), bo najwyraźniej był to dobry sposób na rozwiązanie problemu z ich własnymi testami. Jasne, już od lat setuptools ostrzegało, że taki zapis konfiguracji jest przestarzały. Ale jak już mówiłem wiele razy, *nikt* nie widzi tych ostrzeżeń.
No chyba że ktoś używa #Gentoo, bo mamy jedyny menadżer pakietów, który przechwytuje i w sposób zauważalny powtarza ostrzeżenia o przestarzałych funkcjach w setuptools. Ale my nie mamy czasu poprawiać ludziom projektów, bo cały czas musimy walczyć z pożarami, które inne projekty cały czas nam podkładają.
Yes, they did it. #setuptools literally made lots of #Python packages (such as requests) explode, apparently in order to resolve a problem with their own test suite. Sure, that stuff has been deprecated for a long time. But as I've said multiple times, *nobody* sees these deprecation warnings.
Well, unless they run #Gentoo, because we have literally the only Python package installer out there that catches and repeats setuptools deprecation warnings verbosely. But we don't have time to fix deprecations in upstream packages while upstreams are making sure to set up fires all over the place, all the time.
Emerging 'steam' took a while but I'm surprised there's no 'mangohud' package on gentoo.
Idk. I guess I'll figure it out after I eat breakfast.
#Balkonsolar, re-route all available power to #Gentoo's emerge -DNu world
It just came to me tonight the meaning of "SultryAdorer". This is somebody who tried to reach me on SimpleX chat, btw.
I've been so busy with my Gentoo business that my brain"forgot" about it.
I really hope it's just some troll who came up with a made up name cos sheesh! Secret admirers are pretty fucking creepy!
Had to add:
sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin ~amd64
virtual/dist-kernel ~amd64
sys-fs/zfs ~amd64
sys-fs/zfs-kmod ~amd64
to /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords just to be able install the really latest kernel in Gentoo.
I think I'm 90% done setting up this thingamajig. Just have to add some packages to make gaming work.
Gonna take a break for now.
I'll have SELinux for this Gentoo install, add in a little bit of spice to my Gentoo experience.
Alright, I've updated the gentoo on the virtual machine. Now to add some seasonings that made my Arch Linux my dish.
After the seasonings, I'll dd this to a blank plate and work from there. Then backup Arch Linux install (with dd of course), add some preservatives and refrigerate
And then finally. I will commit the install to my main dish
This will probably take a day or two. I've done a lot on this almost 3 year old Arch install, but I'm gonna do this later. I'm hungry!