Been active on team #Fyne recently, and specifically working on the command line tool, preparing for the upcoming 2.6 release.
My favorite thing I contributed: a new translate command that scans code (optionally including dependencies) for Fyne translation calls, collects and saves them in a JSON file, to pass on for translation. Uses the Go AST parser and finds everything the compiler finds, making it pretty reliable.
Code and install instructions:
FujiNet users: I just released a GUI app to run a local TNFS server on your computer
Makes it super quick & easy to load software directly from your Mac or PC onto your vintage computer, over WiFi.
Exciting to start 2025 developing & refactoring #MyGNUHealth 3.0, with more features and architectures
#HappyHacking #golang #fyne #privacy #GNUHealth
Looking for a community oriented framework to deploy #MyGNUHealth seamlessly across desktop, and mobile devices (eg, android). The #fyne framework looks exciting #golang
Deep dive into Go and Fyne with Andrew Williams!
Exploring the world of graphical app development... so many great projects coming to life in this workshop!
I guess this is going to be a quick exit if I don't manage to resolve the matter.
I cannot install a #fyne app on my Android 14 device *at all*.
And yes: I tried all the tricks from 2023 when it was possible-by-then with adb special switches
New blog post! Wrote a recap of #FyneConf earlier this year, sharing my experience of the conference, starting with the announcement, a bit of the process, about the community, as well as the talk and slides:
#Fyne #Conference #GoLang #GUI #Berlin #DoneThat
I have used a 2D library called gg to make the clock render more quickly and with less CPU load. It is still far from perfect and has the wrong DPI on a mac. But I put it on #Codeberg none the less. So anyone, who is interested, may have a look.
And that's a wrap! The last #FyneConf 2024 video is now uploaded for your enjoyment Now we can start preparing for 2025 in USA! See you then #Fyne #golang #appdevelopment
Slides for my talk "DoneThat with Fyne, DDD, EventSourcing, and CQRS" last Friday at #FyneConf 2024:
1) stars on #github mean nothing
2) #opensource is only an empty form of sponsorship
3) if you waste your time trying opening an issue and trying to improve something, at least the docs, you'll find only idiots that will close the issue as duplicate without even understanding the problem
4) the reason for 3) is because they only care about money and not about programming, development and 2)
5) I've unstarred #golang #fyne, blocked that user and unsubscribed that thread.
The proposal for my talk at #FyneConf2024 was accepted! Already started structuring topics, collecting and sorting thoughts - always find it a nice experience to reflect and find the right level of detail to tell a complete story. #Fyne #GoLang #DDD #CQRS #EventSourcing #GTD
And I've done it! Just submitted my talk for #FyneConf! It is going to contain #Fyne, #DDD, #EventSourcing, #CQRS, and the story of how all that eventually led to a great personal management app. Now fingers crossed the talk gets selected.