Gatehouse – a composable, async-friendly authorization policy framework in Rust

Gatehouse – a composable, async-friendly authorization policy framework in Rust
Where the hell do you get started making "modern" UIs with HTML/CSS/JavaScript?
I'm used to writing everything by hand. Now I've got to somehow choose between 4,000 "modern, performant, etc." frameworks. Do I use JavaScript or can I use something better like TypeScript? Which of the 30 different "modern, perfromant, etc." build systems do I use?
How many million NPM packages are each of these going to require?
Critical Next.js auth bypass vulnerability opens web apps to compromise (CVE-2025-29927) #webapplicationsecurity #ProjectDiscovery #webdevelopment #vulnerability #Cloudflare #opensource #Don'tmiss #framework #Hotstuff #Next.js #News #PoC
Out of pure curiosity, and because I'm on that #webdev #framework discovery tip. Heck, this project even made me download an IDE for Android lol
Just to read `install.bin` - which is an sh script.
Excuse me, but why are you bundling #nodejs and #npm? Is it to facilitate a setup process for containers, or is it merely to make the process easy?
I'm a bit sceptical to that sort of thing, especially when fetching from a vendors domain directly.
Any plans to build packages via CI?
»Critical Next.js Middleware Vulnerability Allows Attackers to Bypass Authorization:
A severe vulnerability has been identified in Next.js, a popular React framework used for building web applications, under the designation CVE-2025-29927.«
Well, I have to give it up and look at it.
If you're having screen corruption or GPU crashes on an AMD Framework laptop, it seems there's now a solution.
Removing the flag `amdgpu.sg_display=0` from your kernel parameters seems to solve it. I added it to mine originally due to having this issue. Seems to have flipped.
@DoomsdaysCW the report is only about "the most popular cellphone and laptop brands", so the article about repairability doesn't even mention the Framework laptop or the Fairphone, what an omission
#framework #fairphone
Habe jetzt meinen Laptop (13") von @frameworkcomputer in Betrieb genommen, nachdem ich die erste Reparatur gemnacht habe. #Framework hat dabei super schnell und sehr freundlich auf meine Anfragen reagiert und war eine große Hilfe. Ich finde es einfach super, dass sich quasi alle Teile daran austauschen lassen, mit nur einem Werkzeug. Auch der 4:3 Bildschirm ist bei 13" wirklich sehr viel brauchbarer als flachere Formate mit derselben Diagonale. 200% Scaling in #KDE funktioniert auch.
Title: Phaser
️ What's: A libre Javascript framework for developing HTML5 games for PCs, mobiles & browsers
#LinuxGameDev #Programming #Framework #HTML5
️ #Libre #SRC #Bin
Our entry:
️ Update: 4.0.0 Beta 8
Code improvement
️ Changes:
️ From:
A Site Selection Framework For Urban Power Substation At Micro-Scale Using Spatial Optimization Strategy And Geospatial Big Data
-- <-- shared paper
“In this study, [they] model spatiotemporal heterogeneity and incorporate it into optimizing the location of substations. The optimized substation placement ensures electrical service coverage for over 99% of the area during peak power usage seasons, compared to the current coverage of 72%...”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #siting #demand #electricity #heterogeneity #substations #powertransmission #electricalpower #distrubition #service #city #urbanisation #extremeweather #model #modeling #parameters #factors #energycrisis #energy #urbanplanning #routing #outages #framework #UrbanPS #bigdata #AI #machinelearning #Pingxiang #Jiangxi #China #casestudy #coverage #utilisation #dynamic #load #loading #loadbalancing
Somebody into Svelte? What UI kit/framework do you use?
Framework7 have an issue with svetle5 so looking for alternative. Thank you
heise+ | Lokale KI: Machine Learning und KI auf Apple Silicon mit MLX betreiben
APIs und eine einheitliche Sicht auf die Hardware machen es Entwicklern leicht, mit Apples MLX-Framework Sprachmodelle zu betreiben und ML-Anwendungen zu bauen.
Introducing AgentKit! Because what the world really needs is yet another #JavaScript #framework to do what others already do, but with extra steps and a sprinkle of #MCP #magic.
Now you can overcomplicate your #multiagent #networks while pretending to be productive. #AgentKit #Overcomplication #HackerNews #ngated
Surprisingly, Framework are sending me a whole new input cover. Their laptops may fail rather quickly, but they are definitely happy to fix issues.
ok so I bought the RISC-V board and I have too high a resolution display in my #framework laptop. should I replace the display or get another shell or wat
Now I finally have a laptop model I can recommend when a customer wants to buy hardware that has to be supplied with an embedded firmware SBOM. Good job Framework!
Nvidia Dynamo: A Datacenter Scale Distributed Inference Serving Framework