#Inked, and I could not be bothered to go full matchy-matchy because I was very set on these inks for March.
#Inked, and I could not be bothered to go full matchy-matchy because I was very set on these inks for March.
Check out this guide to the Manila Pen Show 2025!
#FountainPens Pelikan: 3 Lamy: 4 Kaweco: 4 Sailor: 2 Waterman: 1 #Inks Diamine: 11 J. Herbin: 9 Pelikan: 5 Lamy: 2 Kaweco: 3 Octopus Fluids: 2 Rohrer & Klinger: 4 That's what I've accumulated in 15 years and every time I buy a new one, I think that's really enough options. But! You've seen that?
Writing Thu 13 Mar Leonardo Furore and Diamine Bliss
Todays tools
Leonardo Furore <1.1> + Diamine Bliss
I couldn't understand what the host was saying, but I really like the swatches for Tsurubami and Yuki-usagi.
【インク】SHIKIORI新色、可愛すぎました - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0jH30-eZpg
#SwatchWednesday #FountainPens
The one ink I got when I visited Yoseka.
Ink Institute Shuinandong Smelter
@ana @Steveg58 The whole attraction of a fountain pen is that it’s a step back in time - where nothing comes without a smidge of effort and understanding on the part of the user. That’s why that effortless flow and glide across the paper seems so magical when you get there. #fountainpens #fountainpen
@RedMetalDucky Welcome to the server! Don't forget to use hashtags like #FountainPenInk (& #FountainPens when applicable) on your posts so that pen nerds across the fediverse can see them.
Birmingham Pen Co Antique Sepia
I'm not sure what I expected with this ink. It's a lot pinker than I expected from something called "sepia". But it's a very nice multishading ink, along the lines of a darker and greyer Sailor Ink Studio 123.
Thanks @alexa488
Apologies to my TWSBIs because I know they were up to be inked next, but it's got to be the Jinhaos.
(I'm moving the TWSBIs to being inked in the winter because I won't need to clean them until the spring if I ink them up. )
In the photo, L to R:
Jinhao 62 (Wood) in beige and sage green. (My camera is washing out the sage green.)
Jinhao 82 blue, translucent grey, and sparkle brown. All of them with gold trims.
Still figuring out what to ink them with.
One of my pet-peeve-posts that pop up often on the #FountainPens subreddit: ‘I’m new to the hobby and I don’t understand the hype around <popular entry-level pen>. I’ve tried only one, but it wasn’t a great experience and now I’m going to assume that this was indicative of the brand/model as a whole. (Don’t bother trying to change my mind.)’
In this video I take a brief look at the Lanbitou Forest fountain pen.
I then fill it with Diamine Nutmeg ink and do a brief writing sample.
Join me to see what I think about this pen during my first few minutes of using it.
Kasama Pens, in a partnership with Kustom Magz Creations, offers the Kasama Tala in Ultem and PEEK with Brass Filigree fountain pens at the Manila Pen Show 2025. The overlay is beautiful and was executed by metal artist Marco Kris Magallona. It is based on the Filipino creation myth of the first man and woman, Malakas (Strength) and Maganda (Beauty). Read more about the pens in the Instagram link below:
#FountainPens #Philippines
Yay, more Pilot Hi-Tecpoint rollerball pens! Thanks, @paradoxmo!
Writing Wed 12 Mar Nahvalur Key West and Diamine Solar Storm
Todays writing tools
Nahvalur Key West <Broad> + Diamine Solar Storm
Swatches! Swatches! Show us your swatches or writing samples!
#SwatchWednesday #FountainPenPics #FountainPens
#Standardpen of the week - #spokedesign Spoke Pen v1 outfitted with a Signo DX 0.38mm orange refill. I toggle between using standard pens and #fountainpens for my planning but generally pick one to use for the week in my Plotter. All my inked FPs are used for journaling and inky play. #penaddict