Whew...the muscle memory to type "tofu" instead of "terraform" is *really* strong. I made the switch fully a couple of months back, finally updating all my IAC repos to use #OpenTofu instead of #Terraform. I took the opportunity to centralize on a single reusable release pipeline instead of each having their own, which I honestly should have done in the first place but that's showbiz baby.
It's just like how when I switched to using "main" as my primary repository name, it took time to rework that muscle memory but eventually that became natural for me and typing in anything else when branching and merging felt strange.
So while maybe DevOps and SRE shouldn't be seen as a reflection of real life, in this case I think there's a lesson to be gleaned. Sometimes breaking a habit is hard. Sometimes it's more than just a habit and you're trying to change something fundamental about yourself or your work environment and that's even harder and maybe even impossible for some. But striving towards that goal is still important. Maybe it'll take you a year to make a change feel natural. Maybe it'll taken ten. Maybe it'll never feel 100% authentic and natural. That time is going to elapse either way. You can choose to stay right where you are right now or you can refactor and work towards something else and see how far you get.
Might as well right? Tech debt, emotional debt, it all comes due at some point and if you don't start now then it'll keep accruing and you'll still be sitting here 1 or 5 or 20 years from now thinking maybe you should fix something.
This is a post about #devops but I only got a few sentences into this before I realized I really wanted to write about life and about change and about doing something different.
So maybe what I do to pay the bills is more rooted in real life than I thought.