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#PennedPossibilities 000.42 Bonus Question: Your characters have to huddle/ cuddle to endure a cold storm. Who cuddles with whom?

They'd be a big cuddle bundle. Ragtag as they are, they are a close family. Lazarus would be the most reluctant, but Helena or Hazel, or perhaps both, would punch him in the shoulder and grab him. Damien would wait until everyone is huddled together, run up, and jump right on top of everyone to join in. It's known as a Hug Attack.

Setting the Right Price for a Book: Why Many Authors Undervalue Their Work

Setting the right price for a book is one of the biggest challenges for self-published authors. Many look at what others in their genre are charging and try to match those prices, but this approach can undervalue their work. Some authors price low...


The Self-Publishing Advice Center · Setting the Right Price for a Book: Why Many Authors Undervalue Their WorkSetting the right price for a book is a challenge. Many authors undervalue their work, but pricing affects reader perception and profits.
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2/2 gether with the same partners it's still common for Rose, Talisa, Kira and Anika, til she wants M.I.A. and occasionally J. to cuddle but it's barely enough space to that private outside the captains quarters.
Of course Arkham & Kira cuddle together later in the story. The machine room crew has a cuddle ritual to introduce people (like a sports team). Mondira isn't used to such close bonds since she comes from a pretty much cyberpunk dystopian world. Some crew members even have pure Sex meetings with others. Nobody is forced into this, and if they don't like cuddling, like Arkham at first they get their space. Sex of course is only allowed in the social units (diverse container modules installed for this mission) or quarters if given.

Ash as a Spaceship/AI can't interact the same way but Kira starts to gently touch her consoles on occasion, since they are pressure sensitive.

#PennedPossibilities 000.42 Bonus Question #StarRyde #GhozTarcCrew #Ashlei #GhozTarc #Writing #SciFi #WIP

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000.42 Bonus Question: Your characters have to huddle/ cuddle to endure a cold storm. Who cuddles with whom?
Well they would come together in a big pile. This situations are called Pinguining by the Brass, but since Pinguins are gone Dodo in 2086, Most people have no idea what it means especially outside Terra if Terrans barely know.

It's not uncommon for persons in the 24. Century to cuddle. There are even cuddle meetings/cuddle clubs etc they range through all layers of society and there are simply contact once, skin contact once, naked once and even some involving consensual sexual activity.

On board the Ghoz'Tarc the lines between fellow soldier and private person are very thin Doctor Kaiden and J. regularly cuddle despite both having no romantic or sexual interest in each other. Since Rose, Talisa, Anika & Kira where all together at the academy & at different points to-

#PennedPossibilities 000.42 Bonus Question #StarRyde #GhozTarcCrew #Ashlei #GhozTarc #Writing #SciFi #WIP