Borg Drone: "You will be assimilated"
Dal: "Eh, I'm good"
From E112
Dal: "If anything happens that you don't like, you come out. You hear me?"
Dal has a huge heart.
From E112
On today's #GreatestTrek, we start to wonder, is it just us or are Rok-Tahk's teeth looking directly at Adam?
Listen to the full episode at
#startrekprodigy #startrek #friendsofdesoto #fods @MaxFunHQ
Ich schaue die zweite Staffel #StarTrekProdigy und bin wieder völlig begeistert: Optisch sehr gelungen, ebenfalls vom Sound her, es gibt Janeway, Chakotay, den Doctor (alles Originalstimmen), verbotene Schiffe, Zeitreisen, natürlich zerbrochene Zeitlinien, mit den Vau N’Akat ein spannendes Volk.
Es fühlt sich alles sehr an wie zur TNG/VOY-Zeit und auch deutlich weniger kindlich als in den ersten Folgen der ersten Staffel.
Dal als bockiger Teenager nervt, aber irgendwas ist ja immer.
Brenari Ensign: "You're wrong, Admiral. I do know you. Back when you commanded Voyager, you lied to the Devore people when they were searching for illegal refugees onboard"
Admiral Janeway: "Yes. The refugees were innocent and unarmed. That was a long time ago"
Brenari Ensign: "Not to me. I know you don't recognize me. I was much smaller then. But I was one of those Brenari refugees you helped escape through the wormhole. I'm alive because of you"
Admiral Janeway: "I'm so glad to have met you. Again"
From E119
Asencia: "Admiral, you're not drinking coffee?"
Admiral Janeway: "Doctor's orders. Between you and me, Ensign, I need a second opinion"
From E112
Admiral Janeway: "Tea. Black"
I'll pass on the hot tea. #Coffee, please.
Dal: "If we don't figure out how to disarm that weapon, there goes our chance at Starfleet. If the knowledge on that cube can help us stop it, we have to try"
Zero: "The Federation's survival may depend on it"
Dal making the risky move once again.
From E112
Buxom Bodies S1 E19: Catboots
Zero: "The math needs to be precise"
Rok: "But there's so many variables!"
Gwyn: "We'll follow your lead, Rok"
From E111
Dal: "Sometimes, the hardest thing is to take a leap of faith"
Zero: "You want us to jump?"
From E111
Jankom: "You know, on planet 'Earf', they call this cylindrical meat a hot dog. Food fit for a king"
From E111
Gwyn: "No, I've just been afraid to ask. My father. No one ever told me what happened to him"
Zero: "All I will say is he cannot hurt you anymore"
From E111