"Wie heißt beim IRI der ganze Rest ohne das Scheme?"
"Keine Ahnung. Einfach Rods? Wie in: Der IRI besteht aus dem Scheme und dem ganzen Rods."
"Wie heißt beim IRI der ganze Rest ohne das Scheme?"
"Keine Ahnung. Einfach Rods? Wie in: Der IRI besteht aus dem Scheme und dem ganzen Rods."
Discover Nara, Japan – The Host City of ISWC 2025!
The ISWC Conference isn’t just about cutting-edge research – it's also a chance to explore an amazing city. This year, we are heading to Nara, Japan, a place where history, culture, and innovation come together.
Blog post about Nara: https://iswc2025.semanticweb.org/#/blogs/host
Have you been to Nara before? Share your favorite spots below!
Our 3rd keynoter will be Enrico Motta from the Knowledge Media Institute of UK’s Open University. He pioneered with hybrid computational architectures integrating #ML with knowledge representation, being applied in application domains as e.g. news & scholarly analytics, and cognitive robotics.
Apply here: https://2025.semanticwebschool.org/
Deadline: March 15, 2025
#knowledgegraph #AI #llm #generativeAI #responsibleAI @lysander07 @fiz_karlsruhe #semanticweb #lod #semanticweb #neurosymbolicai #robotics
Poster from our colleague @epoz from UGent-IMEC Linked Data & Solid course. "Exploding Mittens - Getting to grips with huge SKOS datasets" on semantic embeddings enhanced SPARQL queries for ICONCLASS data.
Congrats for the 'best poster' award ;-)
poster: https://zenodo.org/records/14887544
iconclass on GitHub: https://github.com/iconclass
#rdf2vec #bert #llm #embeddings #iconclass #semanticweb #lod #linkeddata #knowledgegraphs #dh @nfdi4culture @fiz_karlsruhe #iconclass
Dear @dblp, we are very happy to see that you are deploying a QLever-based SPARQL endpoint. Would you probably mind to increase your cache size as this simple 2-hop query doesn't work:
SELECT ?p ?o ?pp ?oo WHERE {
<https://dblp.org/rec/books/acm/19/X19> ?p ?o .
OPTIONAL { ?o ?pp ?oo . }
Thank you very much!! :)
Who's working the most higher-order #classification systems of things in the world? Systematics in biology work on classifying all living things. Every field has their own classification systems. Is there a field that integrates those classification systems to create a "taxonomy of everything"? When I search for that concept I'm pointed towards people working on #SemanticWeb - I'm curious if there are any good sources out there to read up on, especially actual attempts/examples! #taxonomy
Our second keynoter will be Natasha Noy from Google Research. YOu might know Natasha from her work on Google Dataset Search https://datasetsearch.research.google.com/ or from her time at Stanford, where she was contributing to the protege ontology editor or the famous Ontology Development 101.
Apply here: https://2025.semanticwebschool.org/
Deadline: March 15, 2025
#knowledgegraph #AI #llm #generativeAI #responsibleAI @albertmeronyo @lysander07 #summerschool @fiz_karlsruhe @fizise @lysander07 @AxelPolleres #semanticweb #lod
Die erste “konstituierende Sitzung” wird am 18. März 2025, 14.00h - 15.30h per Zoom abgehalten. Der Link wird über die Mailingliste verschickt.
Wir freuen uns auf eine “verlinkte” Zusammenarbeit 3/3
Wenn Sie aktiv in der TWG mitarbeiten wollen (erweiterte Kenntnisse in semantischer Modellierung in RDF sind nötig), abonnieren Sie bitte die Mailingliste unter https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/n4o_twg_fuzzy-wobbly-sw.
Chairs der TWG sind Florian Thiery (LEIZA) und Karsten Tolle (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main).
Aufruf zur Mitarbeit in der TWG "Community-Standards for modelling fuzziness & wobbliness in research data using Semantic Web technologies and formalisms"
Am 14. Februar 2025 wurde die Temporary Working Grop (TWG) im Steering Committee beschlossen, weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://www.nfdi4objects.net/portal/twgs/community-standards-for-modelling-fuzziness-wobbliness-in-research-data-using-semantic-web-technologies-and-formalisms-fuzzywobblysw/.
#SemanticWeb #LinkedOpenData #LOD #KG #Fuzziness #Wobbliness #Forschungsdatenmanagement #FDM #ResearchDataManagement #RDM #Wissensgraphen #RDF #SemanticModeling 1/3
Today I gave a small introduction in German language to #terminologies and #TerminologyServices at the #NFDI working group #Terminology Services. The slides of the talk could be found via Zenodo:
If you are interested in an English version feel free to contact me. I would be easily done.
Deadline extension for the SemDH 2025 Int. Workshop on Semantic Digital Humanities has been extended to March 15, 2025!
Submission is open for paper and panel contributions: https://semdh.github.io/
#semanticweb #eswc2025 @eswc_conf #dh #digitalhumanities #culturalheritage @nfdi4culture @NFDI4Memory @nfdi4objects @Textplus @DHd @mldh @DHTheorie #AI #responsibleAI #reproducibleAI #llm @fiz_karlsruhe @fizise
Today the first NFDI4Culture domain expert conversations to improve the new data search interface started with an introduction of the current state of the 4Culture ontologies and knowledge graphs by @tabea from @fiz_karlsruhe and Linnea Söhn from Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur | Mainz
@nfdi4culture @NFDI4DS #NFDI-MatWerk @NFDI4Memory #digitalhumanities #dh #knowledgegraphs #semanticweb #ontologies @epoz @joerg #NFDIrocks
We are happy to announce that Frank van Harmelen from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam will present one of the #isws2025 keynotes! Frank has been involved in the #SemanticWeb research programme since its inception in the late 1990s and is one of the co-authors of the Web Ontology Language OWL.
Apply here: https://2025.semanticwebschool.org/
Deadline: March 15, 2025
#knowledgegraph #AI #llm #generativeAI #responsibleAI @albertmeronyo @lysander07 #summerschool
RDF people: why does everyone still use RDFS and not SHACL for writing schemas, when all the actual validation tools are for SHACL?
Are there even any RDFS validators? I can't find any.
I just made a journal article 2 blog post citation FAIR with @nanopub: https://nanodash.knowledgepixels.com/publishconfirm?9&template=https://w3id.org/np/RA43F9EoOuzF0xoNUnCMNyFsfIqlsuWDdPHCnN0wCdCAw
More about about this in these two blog posts: https://doi.org/10.59350/er1mn-m5q69 and https://doi.org/10.59350/n39kz-48173
This toot is a reminder of the existence of progressive enhancement in web development.
Not only is it important for accessibility, it also provides added benefits in terms of backwards compatibility and better performance by some metrics.
You are an enthusiastic #PhD student, an eager master student planning an academic career, or a professional early #PostDoc and are ready to dive into the latest research on #ResponsibleAI? Then apply at the International #SemanticWeb Research #SummerSchool and work with 60 highly motivated participants under the guidance of world class supervisors one week of intense research in Bertinoro, Italy, from June 8-14, 2025!
Introducing the new tradition of ontology release cake
The latest release of the NFDIcore ontology has been published as NFDIcore 3.0:
@lysander07 @tabea @heikef @jonatan @sashabruns @joerg @enorouzi @nfdi4culture @NFDI @NFDI4DS #NFDIrocks #ontologies #semanticweb #nfdicore