My OSS Hitlist 2025:
1. #paperless_ngx
2. #Proxmox
3. #Syncthing
4. #Debian
5. #Ansible
6. #SpringBoot Framework
7. #HTMX
8. #MariaDB
9. #Mkdocs
10. #Python
11. #Minio
12. #PostgreSQL
13. #Bulma
14. #KeePass
15. #VScode
16. #redict
These things enable me to be productive. Many thanks!
Дрю ДеВолт — автор языка Hare и платформы кодохостинга SourceHut
Дрю ДеВолт объясняет , что веб-интерфейс требует множества лишних действий. Гораздо эффективнее использовать консольный почтовый клиент , отправляя тот же пулл-реквест одной командой из консоли Американский разработчик Дрю ДеВолт (Drew DeVault) известен как создатель и исполнительный директор платформы для хостинга проектов SourceHut , которую Фонд сохранения свободы ПО выбрал как альтернативу майкрософтовскому сервису GitHub (наряду с CodeBerg ) в рамках кампании Give Up GitHub по уходу свободных проектов с этого коммерческого хостинга, задача которого — генерировать продажи Copilot. ДеВолт также известен как автор нового языка системного программирования Hare, который похож на С, только лучше и проще его.
While you're considering switching to a redis fork, the one you want is redict, not valkey.
Both were forked from the same redis version. Why prefer redict? It's LGPL, and thus immune to further license shenanigans from any corporate stakeholders and embrace/extend/extinguish tactics from tech monopoly behemoths.
Valkey, being merely open source, is just as vulnerable as redis itself was.
"Last Thursday... Redis announced that it had changed the license covering its software from the open-source 3-Clause BSD License to the Redis Source Available License and the Server Side Public License, both source-available proprietary licenses..."
#ChristineHall, 2024
@rnanclares I can also take a true #opensource fork like #redict or #valkey
I am rather interested in just using the software directly as WMS cache without any other tool in combination
It is now possible to sponsor the #redict project on Open Collective:
If you want to help a fledgling free and open source project get off the ground, this would be a good way to do that.
For those that don't know, Redict is a drop in replacement for #redis, and it was started because Redis is now proprietary software.
Как компании зарабатывают на опенсорсе, а потом выкидывают его
Финансирование разработки Kubernetes крупнейшими спонсорами на GitHub за последние десять лет, источник Эти компании сначала при помощи сообщества разрабатывают опенсорсный софт или берут готовый, строят на нём прибыльный бизнес, зарабатывают миллионы. А потом меняют лицензию, оставляя контрибуторов, пользователей и партнёров в недоумении, что им делать. Такова бизнес-модель некоторых современных компаний вроде Redis Labs . Но ещё хуже поступают крупные облачные провайдеры. Они просто используют готовые решения, вообще не занимаясь разработкой и убивая бизнес «паразитов», описанных выше. Здесь вообще паразиты в квадрате. И весь этот террариум кормится опенсорсом.
#ruvds_статьи #Amazon #Redis #ElasticSearch #OpenSearch #Redis_Enterprise_Cloud #Apache 20 #Server_Side_Public_License #SSPL #Berkeley_Software_Distribution #BSD #HashiCorp #Terraform #Mozilla_Public_License #MPL #Business_Source_License #BSL #Redict #KeyDB #Valkey #OpenTofu #OpenTF
Yes, it's a shameful move by them @FranklinYu
The #Redict project is already releasing and is a #FreeSoftware direct replacement.
Expanded the Always Open project with the details of #OpenTofu #OpenSearch #Valkey #Redict and #KeyDB. I was surprised that KeyDB doesn't appear to use the DCO or other formal contributor agreement.
Once I figure out a good helm chart for it, we'll be switching to #redict for the iceshrimp installation everyone! #wanderingwires
#Redis, #Redict, #Valkey, #Garnet pick the one which best suits your goals #opensource #freesoftware
@drewdevault is now running on #redict.
(Switch was easy enough, no problems encountered:
Forking is easy, ideas are cheap — but this blog post/announcement by #Redis successor (more correctly: one of multiple free software Redis successors) #Redict sounds really reasonable:
Focus on stability over new features (the production projects we use(d) Redis in required mostly 2015-era features; I bet that’s true for many users) to distinguish itself from and peacefully coexist and complement with other forks like #Valkey
After the #Redis license change, I'm rooting for the #Redict fork. LGPL prevents Redis from merging redict commits into redis so redict and redis will be distinct forks. #Valkey seems promising as well, and I get why the tech giants like it, but the BSD license allows Redis to simply merge valkey commits into redis.
I'm not really sure it's a good thing the #LinuxFoundation has now also forked #Redis: Their fork #Valkey is announced to be backed by major large companies like AWS, Google, Ericsson, Oracle (duh!), but of course keeps using a BSD license.
This might make it a lot harder for the #Redict, that changed to LGPL, to keep traction. But copyleft licenses are a necessary against projects going proprietary again just like Redis did.
@FritzAdalis @Codeberg @pkw
"LGPL was chosen over the GNU General Public License to reduce concerns that integrations with Redis® compatible Modules or Lua plugins would be subject to the “virality” of the GNU GPL."
#LGPL can be itself subject to the 'virality' of GNU GPL if I'm not mistaken.
One can take a LGPL project and change the license to GPL.
cc @drewdevault