A belated #30DayMapChallenge 2024 round-up. 30 days, 28 visualisations. First time in four years I missed not one, but two. For some reason, it was a pretty rough month. Still mostly the #rayverse and #rstats where possible.
Turns out I shared over 2 gigs (3,000+) of visualisations since 2020, which is when I really got into the #rayverse. And it all started with a ggplot sword and a spinning pig.
Talk about obsession. Too bad I don't see much improvement. I should actually learn how to make maps.
1/3 Package update alert
Need a doomscrolling break? How about a dramatically faster version of #rayrender to clear your mind! Developed using the nice C/C++ features of the new @Posit Positron IDE, rayrender is more than 40% faster than before! Less heat, less time, faster 3D data viz!
New package updates, blog post, and data visualization! Learn about subdivision surfaces and displacement mapping and how they can be used to visualize data on curved surfaces using the rayverse and R. Learn how to map data to a sphere so you can properly visualize areas both as the equator as well as near the poles.
(i.e. if R announced new versions like tech companies)
Subdividing a Cornell box shows that it's actually five non-Cornell boxes pretending to be a single box in a trenchcoat!
(Lots of new features and user-facing improvements coming to {rayvertex} soon!)
It’s fun how implementing displacement mapping was 99% implementing subdivision surfaces, and 1% implementing actual displacement mapping. It’s a feature like the person that does none of the work in the group project but presents it to the class: all the glory and none of the slog.
Used my under-development svg-to-R-polygon conversion package along with the raybevel package (currently "on vacation" from CRAN due to CGAL 5.6 compilation warnings) to generate a 3D version of the R logo! Will soon replace the existing "r_obj()" object in rayrender.
Implemented Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces for rayrender! Don't tell Moses.
R package update! Version 0.32.0 of rayrender brings nicer scene printing with custom tibble print methods: Get much more usable information at a glance and see the overall scene information displayed as well. Makes for a much nicer scene building experience.
1/2 New year, new R package, new rayshader update, new slick Quarto website, new blog post! 5x the new! Introducing the {raybevel} package: generate 3D buildings, 3D beveled polygons, 2D inset polygons, and calculate straight skeletons entirely in R! The rayshader update features tons of improvements, including blazing fast 3D contour and line drawing.
Blog post:
Addendum: Santa, please also include robust 3D rooftops. Thanks in advance!
All I want for Christmas is a topologically consistent interior polygon!
A buffered inset polygon vs a straight skeleton inset polygon
One gives you curves, while the other maintains sharp corners!
Readme completed and now onto final quality checks... package release time almost here :)
All these nifty #rayshader and #rayverse maps got me wondering how to do something similar in Python… apparently you can just import the R packages
“Using rayshader in Python” https://www.gpxz.io/blog/rayshading-in-python