Au #Québec, l’ #aluminium plie sous la pression de Donald #Trump
Solidarité avec l'aluminium #québecois #canadien
️ Passons des commandes aux entreprises québécoises !

Au #Québec, l’ #aluminium plie sous la pression de Donald #Trump
Solidarité avec l'aluminium #québecois #canadien
️ Passons des commandes aux entreprises québécoises !
I think the #Québécois would take the opportunity to separate from #Canada once and for all
Dernier #romangraphique #quebecois de mes vacances : Comédie Sentiment Pornographique de #JimmyBeaulieu
.cut x Alexandre St-Onge x nd dentico – Mue Imaginale
#Experimental #abstract #artbrut #avantgarde #creativefreedom #diy #dadaism #drone #fieldrecordings #quebecois #Antarctica
CC BY-NC (#CreativeCommons Attribution Non Commercial) #ccmusic
I know #Quebec #French is seen as kind of wild but I love it. We have this one weather announcer here that I adore, she speaks with such vivacity I'm almost excited to get up to 40 cm of snow over the next 24 hours - Attache tes tuques indeed!
I love watching the French broadcasts of hockey games.
I don't speak French. I have always loved the sound of the language. I was attempting to learn a bit off Duolingo, but because ADHD, I tapered off.
I want to pick up a bit of the language again. Does anyone out there have some recommendations for French language resources?
#French #languages #languagestudy #adhd #Quebecois #hockey
#Corridor - Mimi
#Montreal based post punk art rockers took a turn more experimental and #psychedelic with their 4th album and I'm here for it. Absolutely the right vibe for tonight, plus the cover art (illustration of a derpy longhaired cat?). Every song is doing something different, doing it well, and in a good way.
#Stereolab x #deerhunter vibes? Immediate purchase.
#music #postpunk #artrock #atmospheric #quebecois #musique
Voici un extrait en concert, au fameux Club Soda de #Montréal le 27 Décembre dernier devant des centaines d’humains. J’étais accompagné de musiciens que j’adore, c’était inoubliable comme soirée!
Je regardes le #MontrealCanadiens sur #NHLTv! :)
#mtl #montreal #quebecois
Jaser, pour les québécois, n'a pas de connotation péjorative, il ne s'agit pas, par exemple, de parler avec médisance dans le dos de quelqu'un, mais plutôt de discuter de sujets légers, l'équivalent serait papoter.
Jaser serait papoter et jasette serait du petit papotage.
(Jaser peut avoir ici une connotation péjorative, mais c'est vraiment selon le contexte. La plupart du temps, non.)
Guess what I found at Aldi this morning?
Cheese curds!
The drought is finally over.
I haven't tasted them yet, because I've had my synthroid about 20 minutes ago, and I have to wait one hour before eating stuff.
#TELEVISION Starmania : une célébration de légende pour ses 45 ans sur France 2
À l’occasion des 45 ans de la #comédiemusicale #culte « #Starmania », #France2 prépare un #show exceptionnel avec une #pléiade d’#artistes de renom. Ce programme mettra en lumière les plus grands succès du #spectacle, revisités par des artistes #français, #québécois et la nouvelle troupe de #ThomasJolly. Toutes les infos sur ActuaNews...
Lire l'article ICI…
I have a sexy accent when I speak English.
Source: my boyfriend. est une instance francophone de Mastodon destinée aux Québécois·es.
À propos:
Administré par: @administrateur
in 2 vols
Translated by Martin Bowman & Bill Findlay
Ed. Martin Bowman
The energy & versatility of 8 of Tremblay’s Quebecois plays, captured in Scots translation. Available rom all good booksellers everywhere!
#Scottish #Scots #Scotslanguage #theatre #drama #Quebec #Quebecois #translation #InternationalTranslationDay
“Detailed introductions by Bowman… plus forewords by Michael Boyd and Ian Brown, provide the reader with an understanding of the Scottish political, social and theatrical context into which these trailblazing translations appeared”
—Stretching the Tongue: On Michel Tremblay’s Plays in Scots, from the Glasgow Review of Books
#Scottish #Scots #Scotslanguage #theatre #drama #Quebec #Quebecois #translation #InternationalTranslationDay
“Tremblay is contemporary theatre’s great melancholy realist; he fits Scotland like a glove”
—McGill News on how Quebec playwright Michel Tremblay became a Scottish sensation
#Scottish #Scots #Scotslanguage #theatre #drama #Quebec #Quebecois #translation #InternationalTranslationDay
“Somehow hearing the play in Scots gave Anglophone audiences an insight into Tremblay that had hitherto eluded them”
—Mark Fisher reviews MICHEL TREMBLAY: PLAYS IN SCOTS – translations by Martin Bowman & Bill Findlay of 8 plays by the Quebecois playwright
#Scottish #Scots #Scotslanguage #theatre #drama #Quebec #Quebecois #translation #InternationalTranslationDay
Design uniquement pour les Québécois 'frogged' lolll voir les 83 produit et merci :) #quebec #quebecois #frogs #humour #humourqc #unique