I am toying with the idea to build a (physical) globe myself. Preferably using #QGIS and maybe Inkscape for final touches (or other OS tools).
I would like to design the globe as far as possible in QGIS and then use an appropriate projection to output the lobes. Then glue to a sphere using wallpaper glue etc. - I imagine it difficult to get the labels right.
Surprisingly, I can find few resources on how to approach such a project.
Any pointers or own experience?
Das HLNUG (Hess. Umweltamt) hat seinen Workflow zur Biotopkartierung auf #OpenSource umgestellt, um den Workflow zu vereinfachen und zu vereinheitlichen. Das wurde auch mittels eines QGIS-Plugin umgesetzt. Spannender Ansatz, um schon bei der Erhebung und Eingabe qualitativ hochwertige Daten zu erzeugen.
Did you attend the presentation on G3W-SUITE this morning at FOSSGIS2025? Are you curious and want to see it in action and learn how it works? We look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM (BoF3/Exp. (Senatssaal)).
Hast du heute Morgen auf der FOSSGIS2025 die Präsentation über G3W-SUITE gesehen? Bist du neugierig und möchtest es in Aktion sehen und erfahren, wie es funktioniert? Dann erwarten wir dich morgen früh um 9:00 Uhr (BoF3/Exp. (Senatssaal)).
We’re proud to partner with Oslandia on the new #QGIS Security Initiative!
This community-funded project will help QGIS meet modern security standards (CRA, NIS2), improve code and plugin security, and strengthen trust across the ecosystem.
Support the initiative and learn more at https://security.qgis.oslandia.com or talk to us at #FOSSGIS2025
A Map Showing Kilimanjaro National Park Terrain
found In Tanzania
,Which hosts The Highest peak in Africa dataset is from @OpenTopography (COP30) #Kilimanjaro #Tanzania #Africa #EastAfrica #map #gischat #geospatial #dataviz #QGIS #b3d #Blender
colour remix of a 2021 population density map of the toronto region made a couple years ago
QGIS-Tipp: 3.42.1 “Münster” für/for Win, Linux & MacOS verfügbar/available! Test@MacM1 https://geoobserver.de/2025/03/26/qgis-tipp-3-42-1-muenster-fuer-win-linux-und-macos-verfuegbar-testmacm1/ #qgis #switch2qgis #mac #win #linux #gistribe #gischat #fossgis #foss4g #OSGeo #spatial #geospatial #opensource #gis #geo #geoObserver pls RT
@beniamin mapped the hotels in #Berlin as of 1910 and used #QGIS to visualize their geographical distribution within the city:
QGIS Processing Scripts can now be shared via the QGIS Resources Hub!
They’re efficient, lightweight tools for automating tasks in #QGIS, requiring #Python & #PyQGIS skills. Easier to develop than plugins, they’re perfect for customizing workflows.
Learn more: https://hub.qgis.org/scripts/
Do you want to learn to create your own QGIS Processing Scripts? Check these resources:
Follow the step-by-step guide: https://courses.gisopencourseware.org/course/section.php?id=376
Today Oslandia and partners ( e.g. @opengisch ) publicly launch the "Security Project for QGIS" : a mutualized funding effort to increase QGIS cybersecurity.
Pledge now and share the info !
Details here : https://security.qgis.oslandia.com
New regulations (e.g. CRA, NIS2), threat increase, IT requirement, legacy… Many reasons for #QGIS to improve its security practices.
We will work on tech & organizational aspects, and collaborate closely with the user and dev community.
Share the word !
Oslandia is a French SME specializing in OpenSource Geographical Systems ( #GIS ). We design and implement IT systems to manage geographical data.
Our team of ~30 (great) people is distributed all over France & full remote is at the heart of our organization.
More info : https://oslandia.com and linkedin
We will post company updates and GIS-related infos
The security project for #QGIS : pledge now
The security project for #QGIS : pledge now !
Always nice to teach a course with @geomenke.bsky.social! This was Mastering Mesh Data with #QGIS for the #AustralianWaterSchool early this morning. Soon available as on-demand online course!
Linux, Windows and Mac packages of #QGIS release 3.40.5 "Bratislava" (LTR) and 3.42.1 "Münster" ready on https://qgis.org. Make maps not war!