Our "Coding on RISC OS" fireside chat is tomorrow, Saturday, March 1st, at 7:30 PM (UK time). Come and join us to learn and connect with others. No experience necessary. DM for credentials (no change). #Code4Fun #RISCOS #Community #OpenSource #RaspberryPi (<5) #RockChip #PinebookPro #ARM
Gives me hope for my derpy little #PinebookPro XD
@katzenmann Well the problem with installing #ArchLinux on an ARM device like the #PinebookPro is that, like . . . ya can't.
That is to say, one has to use some distro derived from Arch because ironically the distro only officially supports one architecture, x86_64. Or maybe that's what the name stands for, like hey it's truth in advertising it's arch singular we never promised more than one arch
I also wanted to put #NixOS on my #PinebookPro (because the preinstalled #Manjaro again wrecked itself into a no-wifi situation), but it looks annoyingly complicated
I'm enjoying running #PostmarketOS with KDE Plasma on my #PinebookPro - but it seems to be missing networkmanager-openconnect (and the related plasma-nm vpn plugin) - I was able to build networkmanager-openconnect from source but it looks like I would need to replace plasma-nm to get the openconnect vpn options in the Settings GUI which I'm hesitant to do for stability reasons... any suggestions or advice would be great
Linux on ARM in general is a pain.
So many things are hard-coded for x86_64, even when they don't need to be (like build scripts for projects written in interpreted/JIT/bytecode-compiled languages).
I tried to get the chawan terminal web browser compiled this Debian ARM machine (#PinebookPro), but couldn't because the built-in compiler is too old, and the compiler/language project itself only ships binaries for x86_64.
Argh. :/
If this little machine wasn't so light and cheap (and had such a nice screen and keyboard for the price), I'd be lugging my thinkpad around everywhere, and would have relegated this machine to be my kitchen computer, or something.
This is kind of fascinating...
My computer was chilling out in my car overnight (it was about -4 °C) and I brought it in this morning and booted it up.
It's a #PinebookPro, so basically a teensy little ARM SoC inside an aluminum-and-plastic case.
It's interesting how the temperature actually came down after the first couple of minutes.
The source for my script is [here].
~$ temperaturechart
Temperature scale upper limit is 70
2025.02.13 07:57:00 [26.2°C] █████████████
2025.02.13 07:58:01 [26.2°C] █████████████
2025.02.13 07:59:01 [22.2°C] ██████
2025.02.13 08:00:01 [23.3°C] ████████
2025.02.13 08:01:01 [23.9°C] █████████
2025.02.13 08:02:01 [25.0°C] ███████████
2025.02.13 08:03:01 [25.0°C] ███████████
2025.02.13 08:04:01 [25.6°C] ████████████
2025.02.13 08:05:01 [26.9°C] ██████████████
2025.02.13 08:06:02 [27.5°C] ███████████████
2025.02.13 08:07:02 [27.5°C] ███████████████
2025.02.13 08:08:02 [28.1°C] ████████████████
2025.02.13 08:09:02 [28.8°C] █████████████████
2025.02.13 08:10:02 [29.4°C] ██████████████████
2025.02.13 08:11:02 [30.0°C] ███████████████████
2025.02.13 08:12:02 [30.0°C] ███████████████████
2025.02.13 08:13:02 [30.6°C] ████████████████████
2025.02.13 08:14:02 [31.7°C] ██████████████████████
2025.02.13 08:15:02 [30.6°C] ████████████████████
2025.02.13 08:16:03 [31.1°C] █████████████████████
2025.02.13 08:17:03 [31.7°C] ██████████████████████
My only experience with ARM is just being an end-user of rPis and a #PinebookPro, and I think I'd honestly rather lug around a 1999 laptop than put up with the death-by-a-thousand-papercuts that is Linux on ARM.
(NB: the "text-mode #pinebookPro" technically has a GUI: I have X11 and openbox installed and configured in case I bump up against something I can only reasonably do with a GUI, but it doesn't run unless I startx
I refit my #pinebookPro as a text-mode box for when I want to code or write or brainstorm with fewer distractions. Had it out to the coffee shop today, and two different people stopped, backed up, and did a what is *that?!*
One was clearly a little freaked out that I was "hacking", but the other was a college kid who was captivated by the idea that I was genuinely being productive without a GUI in 2025. That latter one was a cool conversation. Be weird in public, you never know what might happen!
With April drawing near, I will have to rid myself of Ubuntu Focal on my #PinebookPro. Hence this question: which #Ubuntu flavour/port/whatever will run reliably on the PBP when booting from the internal eMMC?
(This broke in the combination of Armbian with Jammy. I haven't tested Noble yet; maybe someone else has.)
Boosts appreciated.
Spent a weird week resurrecting an unused #PinebookPro I got as part of @PINE64's crowdfunding things years ago. For a 5+ year old computer, it's decent in many ways, but after a few days of light use, the thing is literally falling apart. Plastic just breaking off the lid and top case left and right.
It is time to reinstall my #pinebookpro
What distro should I use? I currently use debian with an older kernel, but it would be nice to be more up to date.
I mostly use the terminal on it, so no fancy GUI needed (not fancy, but basic atleast)
As my #PineBookPro with #Manjaro quite often loses its #NetworkDevice, #Bluetooth or just the #KDE Plasma I now run #fsck on my now broken 4.5 TB external #USB drive on #TTY 3.
I hate & love my own stupidity. I learn so much in so short time.