ownCloud GmbH released #ownCloud Server Infinite Scale version 7.1.1. https://owncloud.com/download-server/
I think we need a federation protocol for file sharing and/or groupware solutions, so similar to ActivityPub/ATProto/RSS etc.
#whistleblowers! I already received many notes and documents regarding the history of owncloud and all of its forks, and as a 25+ years journalist, I have a very good record of being trustworthy. However, here's my secret file drop where you can "drop" papers and information anonymously. Many have already done.
If you need more privacy, let me know. PGP and Signal and PM are available.
#owncloud #nextcloud #opencloud #open_cloud #secure_file_drop #opensource
... and as I am doing my homework for the article on the history of #owncloud and its fork #nextcloud, I came across this... Does anybody have more current information about this strong assumptions?
#opensource #linux #popcorn
@thoralf @Karlitschek @nextcloud @heinleinsupport
I wonder if @Karlitschek will be available for an interview about all of this for me. I am preparing an article on the history of #owncloud, and I am starting to see patterns here. I sincerely hope I am wrong.
ownCloud GmbH released #ownCloud Server Infinite Scale version 7.1.0. https://owncloud.com/download-server/
How about naming it "ActuallyWebDAV" instead? #OpenCloud #Nextcloud #Owncloud #Whatevercloud
The downside is adding from my phone. I use #orgzly that I replicate with #nextcloud via #apache on an RPI5, #owncloud is also good. In #orgroam I have the orgzly mirror tumbled into a bookmarked page where I periodically relocate notes not needed on my phone.
I DREAM of the day all of my notes are on only MY server, and only MY phone could access them. This is my compromise.
@preya @heinleinsupport @OpenTalkMeeting @mailbox_org You are missing #OpenCloud which is now a fork of #ownCloud #oCIS maintained by #heinlein.
But I agree it would be nice to see those services combined under one hood. But not like #Nextcloud does. I'd like to see separate services with strong APIs, that can be run side by side as needed but sharing a common UI so the user won't notice the integration.
Something like a next-level #openDesk...
@Codeschubse @fasnix das letzte mal wo ich's probiert habe war ich noch nicht überzeugt. (vor ~1,5 jahren)
meine generelle Erfahrung mit #nextcloud ist aber auch leider eher Enttäuschung, da die performance oft zu langsam war. Ich finde die sollten mal den Kern überarbeiten und gegebenenfalls weg von php zu einer nativen Sprache gehen wie Go oder Rust. #owncloud ist ja mittlerweile auch schon auf Go umgestiegen.
OpenCloud kann getestet werden
Mit OpenCloud tritt eine deutsche Cloud-Lösung als Fork von ownCloud auf die Bühne. Das verspricht eine gesunde Konkurrenz zu Nextcloud, was die dringend nötige europäische Souveränität befeuern könnte.
OpenCloud brings test version for sovereign file sharing
OpenCloud has released the first version of its open source file sharing platform. The company is now asking the community for feedback.
Open-Source-Alternative: OpenCloud bringt Testversion für souveränes Filesharing
OpenCloud hat die erste Version seiner Open-Source-Plattform zum Dateiaustausch veröffentlicht. Das Unternehmen bittet nun die Community um Feedback.
First version of #OpenCloud is available now. Remember this is not PHP. This is cloud native, formerly known as ownCloud Infinite Scale. This scales.
And all of this is only possible because the great guys at #owncloud did do their homework, REAL #OPENSOURCE without limits.
#nextcloud #kiteworks #nextnextcloud
Download it and run something like:
chmod a+x $FILE; ./$FILE init ./$FILE server -> that's all. No PHP hell, folks.
So schnell kann es bei proprietären Anbietern gehen, dass Versprechen gebrochen werden und man in der Datenkrake landet.
Besser gleich mit #foss einen vendor lock vermeiden. #owncloud und #nextcloud bei #hostsharing wären eine einfache Alternative.
> iCloud: Abruptes Aus für erweiterte Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung in UK
> Britische iPhone-Nutzer können iCloud-Daten nicht mehr vollständig verschlüsseln. Apple reagiert damit auf den Versuch, eine Hintertür zu erzwingen.