Royal Enfield Classic 500 — Geneva, Switzerland. July 2018, Canon PowerShot.
Oldest continuous motorcycle manufacturer, now headquartered in India.
Royal Enfield Classic 500 — Geneva, Switzerland. July 2018, Canon PowerShot.
Oldest continuous motorcycle manufacturer, now headquartered in India.
Even though it was forecast to be dry, it’s pissing down. Which will make my Mod2 (and last one!) #motorbike test this morning interesting!
In fairness, I think it might well play into what my instructor calls my overly cautious approach to riding!
Cus ya, when you’re exposed to 2 tons of metal being controlled by idiots, being overly cautious is bad!
He regularly tells me “you’re not riding a push bike now”.
I know, which means I can hit things faster!
Riding a motorbike.
How to ride a motorbike.
Why to ride a motorbike.
When to ride a motorbike.
#philosophy #motorcycle #motorbike
Feel free to skip this toot…
I am finally getting down to business (other than unpacking, cleaning, chasing up awaited deliveries and sorting out delivery issues with various shops) and this new dwelling is finally ‘feeling’ like my abode and no one else’s.
I have a tonne of good #habits to get back into, like daily #callisthenics, #walk/jog, #TaiChi, #meditation, #martial arts training (including study), music (#Guitar - poor thing has been lonely for so long), riding my #motorbike, and #cooking (the healthy kind). So much to get on with and to enjoy. And let’s not forget: Picking UP my #writing ( - that’s also been held in abeyance for far too long.
Today I restarted callisthenics, later I will have time to do some TaiChi. With so many things I wish to do, I am tempted to set up a weekly plan so as not to get lazy (or too busy) again… I don’t know. I’ll see how I go for a while.
Anyways enjoy your day folks, it’s never going to come around again.
All things going well with the third and final motorbike test next week, I'll soon be saying goodbye to my trusty #Piaggio Libery 125 named Misty, and hello to my her replacement.
In honour of Misty, I took some nice (for me) pics and have done a blog post about her.
Finished off tinkering today. All seems to be working!
Ended up buying a new multimeter as even with the new battery, my old one appeared to still be on the blink.
Reading of 14.20v when idling, so I’m fairly certain my previous issues were down to a knackered battery. Will keep an eye on it though. I bought a cheap volt display unit, with the idea of mounting it on the dash, but the reading differs from the multimeter, so binning that idea!
Tidied up the wiring for my cameras whilst I was tinkering. I also put a sticker on the battery with the date on it! That’ll stop me wondering how old it is in a few years.
Going to take her out for a spin in the morning.
A very therapeutic day for me, tinkering with the bike.
New sprockets.
New chain.
New brake disc.
Not quite finished, but the rest is for tomorrow.
I had a slight issue with removing the bolts on the brake disc. Two off them wouldn’t come out and I rounded them trying. Bit of drilling, use of a screw remover and a blowtorch and I got them out without damaging anything else. Luckily I had some spare bolts.
She didn’t start again this morning. Grrrr.
Popped out earlier and bought a new battery. Then took her out for a spin and did ~30 miles with no issues.
We shall see what tomorrow brings. My Moto Run To The Hills 2024 ##itchybooter ##motorbikereview ##mototours ##peakdistrict #Bicycling #BicyclingUK #BicyclingUnitedKingdom #Biking #BikingUK #BikingUnitedKingdom #Cycling #CyclingChesterfieldUK #CyclingUk #CyclingUnitedKingdom #harleydavidson #honda #kawasaki #motocamping #motorbike #Motorcycle #motorcyclereview #Motovlog #mymoto #Richyvida #roads #Roadtrip #suzuki #tour #Touring #UK #UnitedKingdom #wildbad #yamaha
Bike wouldn’t start this morning. That’s the second time in the last ~6 weeks.
I was able to work from home so I’ve had it on charge all day. Just started fine.
I don’t know if it’s the battery or something more sinister. Went to put the multimeter across it and…the multimeter battery was dead!
I’ve had a NOCO Boost GB20 in my Amazon shopping basket for a while, I just clicked ‘buy’ on it. At least with that, if it happens again I can get it going. Bit of peace of mind, especially if I’m not at home.